To Caliban

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To Caliban

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So, um... Off the record.

Is Doherty a good politician?
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As Caliban

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Off the record? I can't comment on the performance of a man who's currently going through the worse crisis one of the State's flagship cities has gone through since the Transgenics Wars. Even if I could, I wouldn't. It would be in shocking poor taste of me to do that.

That said, I'll concede that politics is a cutthroat business. You don't make friends by holding onto your principles and you certainly don't garnish your party's coffers by being true to yourself. That's precisely why I try and do exactly that. It's hard, and it shows to other politicians that you don't have to sell yourself to uphold ideals. Even if no one else in the Senate does it, I'd have been the one man to stand up and fight for what he believed in - above all else and with no compromises.

By these standards and judging by the pundits I face, I'm a very poor politician and my earning the trust of the State is some sort of aberration. Concordantly, Wallace Doherty would make a very good politician - and that's fine. Personable and malleable folks garner more appeal than people who stick to their guns come what may, especially if you have points of view similar to mine. Wallace gets to be called the salt of the Earth or a true-blue patriot by people on both sides of the fence - and I'm somewhere between a corporate toady and a Communist pig; nevermind how impossible that combination happens to be."
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To Caliban

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Then why are you so popular?
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As Caliban

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"I gave and keep giving people hope. I've bled for the average taxpayer, which is something I don't see much of anyone else in office doing, nowadays. I've fought for the people with no health insurance and the small business owners who were the first to lose everything when Elysium hit. I pushed back against those who wanted to profit from the State's weakness in the war's aftermath and I gave a voice to the Chimeras who'd seen reason. To the rest, I made sure the justice system would give a chance.

I'm a freak, and I've never shied away from that fact. I wasn't made naturally - but I exist. I have a right to exist, and so does anyone else who was touched by the Transgenics War, either near or far. Even the most despicable person locked away in Chimera Row has a right to exist, despite what some contentious groups might call for online. Hundreds of thousands of Chimeras surrendered their right to productivity and peace when they joined Rendell's side, true, but I won't be their butcher or their executioner. To kill them would be to admit that Rendell has the moral right to do what he does. I'm not ready to take that step, and I don't think anyone who's fought with me would, either.

I'm still in office today because people understand what I sacrificed, and for whom I sacrificed it. I could've hidden away in Paradise with Eiko, found some distant corner in Sector Twelve, maybe, or in the Maintainer areas. I could've lived well enough as a monster. I could've taken Rendell's route and carved my way to the top of the sewers' hierarchy, on Earth. I could've taken anything I wanted.

The only thing I've ever wanted was to be accepted as one of yours. You've accepted me, and I'll have to remain worthy of that acceptance for the remainder of my days. That takes work. So, well... Here I am, still."
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