So it's 2 AM and the runt won't sleep...

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So it's 2 AM and the runt won't sleep...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

This is Romeo's second night with us - and the first he's spent crying repeatedly. I'm itching towards separation anxiety but, hey, what the Hell can you do in this case? He's far too young to just let to free-range around the house, at eight weeks old. I don't want to just respond to his whining either, since I don't want to reinforce the notion that all whines are equal. Asking for food is one thing, asking for Poop Time or Pee Time is another - but he has to get used to his cage.

The hard part is the sound. It's not tough to sleep on it, it's just that it tugs at your heartstrings. Take the cutest street urchin you could imagine, dress him up in Period clothing, and get him to cry out for food or love on the most desperate tone possible. That's Romeo, right about now. He's Oliver Twist, and he's asking for another, and another, and another, and another... You really do feel like a heartless bastard for keeping him in a cage, thanks to that. That's despite what the vet and a small legion of puppy experts tell us.

In other news, I splurged and got myself the Blu-Rays for the Pirates of the Carribbean Quadrilogy. My one question is - I know what Davy Jones is supposed to sound like (Scottish, if you go by Bill Nighy) but something doesn't fit. Did he try for a weird half-Dutch twang?
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Re: So it's 2 AM and the runt won't sleep...

Post by Karl the Mad »

Listen to the vet and the experts. It hurts, sure, but the pup can't get it into his head that whining gets results. If it does, you'll have an annoying little pest instead of a loyal pet.

I read somewhere that Nighy refused to do a Dutch accent (racism?), so he went Scottish instead. Either way it's a garrulous and distinctive voice, and rather fitting for a man-crab like him.

Also! As of today I am the proud owner of an Nvidia Geforce GTX 660ti and it is sexy. Damn thing's huge but it runs the games like crazy; I went through and hiked up all of them to highest settings, and the only ones it couldn't deal with at max were Batman: Arkham City and GTA4. Even LA Noir handled great. I kept thinking I shoulda bought one of these earlier!

And why haven't you been in chat lately?
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Re: So it's 2 AM and the runt won't sleep...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Thesis stuff for the most part. I'll have a bit of a harder time showing up at my usual hours (e.g. fucking late) because of Romeo. He's a puppy, the folks have a standard desk job and I'm the lucky one who gets to largely work from home. Ergo, they're moving his stuff down to the basement tomorrow morning around 6:30 AM, and it's my ass on Caretaker duties. I can't really afford to dick around until 3 AM anymore.

Or, well, not until next Thursday.

Plus - I'll admit my current bio projects are kicking my ass. I've restarted John Smith four times. There's always something that doesn't fit...
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