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To Wesley Chambers

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2015 6:33 am
by TennyoCeres84
What has Amaxi promised you? And what are your views on a certain selkie archmage who seems to be a recurring thorn in your side?

Re: To Wesley Chambers

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 8:40 pm
by IamLEAM1983
"What the Many-Armed promised me doesn't matter to you. You're not worthy of hearing Her gospel, in any case.

As for Meris? I respect her skills and her resilience. It isn't often that one of the Prelates finds a decent foil, an adequate expression of what Dalarath stands against - a test of one's piety. We've crossed swords literally and metaphorically in the past, and I've had to read up on her culture, to better prepare myself. Magic and the Orkneys, the pernicious nature of via - in a sense, it's an honor to have her fling insults at me.

It shouldn't suggest, however, that I respect her. A glorified slave almost managed to elope with the weakest of our Augurs - so what?! I stopped them to adhere to Her desires, but I could've let them go, honestly. They would've drowned in their felicity, grown flaccid and inert out of contentment. Nereus would've ended up blind out of love and wouldn't have been able to repel the inevitable retaliation. Cuddles and stargazing don't an army make, and he would've needed one to stand against Amaxi's faithful."