A Light in the Darkness

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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

For now, the elder said nothing and offered her a patient and sobering gaze, seemingly waiting for her to collect her thoughts and assemble the first of what might be several questions to follow.
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

After clearing her head, Meris eyed the former Augur and inquired, "There's sae many t'ings tae look at that I'm no' sure where tae start. What will I be able tae learn while I'm here?"
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Delmar briefly parted his arms. "Everything that makes me what I am," he said, "so that you might better destroy it - or save it.

Your mind must be tempered to the Black Speech, in some ways. We do not have the means to make you understand it fully, but presenting you with recognizable cues and phrases could allow you to infer an aggressive Void Weaver's intent phonetically. As chaotic as we imagine our idiom to be, there is still some structure to it, somewhere between our mannerisms and our produced sounds, that creates a kind of grammar. As you have learned to memorize the patterns of songs or when to raise or lower your voice to produce harmonies, you will learn what gives rise to an Abomination, what rends surface-dwelling minds and what is merely insane praise given to the Gods that Were."

He shrugged lightly. "You must learn where to look for allies - not the least of which will be those the book showed you. The processes that should create zealots or devoted creatures do not always go as planned and in some select cases, the suffering of the Prelacy does not engender praise, but rather despair. We are like all other living creatures, in that we seek the betterment of our condition. Truthfully, we all want out of this damned cave, Meris. Very few do so for the right reasons, however."

The elder smiled. "Create hope amidst this despair and you will earn friends. Friends, assets, weapons, wealth to use in your future pursuits - a great many things."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Meris understood what he meant. "By spreadin' kindness tae those that will hopefully be open tae it," she summarized. The mage furrowed her brow and pondered out something to Delmar, "What about touch? Void Weavers regard it with fear an' th' utmost suspicion. Th' slightest tap on th' shoulder would seem downright perilous tae them. Merely speakin' tae them only gaes sae far; ye hae tae reinforce it on a physical level."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

In response, Delmar reached out and laid a hand on her shoulder, gently kneading it as if she were an old acquaintance he were fond of.

"Under some skies and former auspices, Meris, we touched one another. We embraced our loved ones. You've seen it in the Augur - we absolutely can grow close to others we care for. Once again, we are exactly like yourself in those ways that matter. The paranoia you've witnessed is merely an affect of culture; a diseased and self-destructive emphasis on self-reliance that creates beings that yearn for trust and acceptance, but who only know how to hurt one another. A noxious feedback loop is created, thanks to this. Attempts to find love beget pain, pain begets respect but does not forge bonds, so desperate attempts are made. The cycle begins anew."

Another secret smile danced behind the tentacles. "The important point is that the Others have failed, Meris. They may break us under their yoke, They may drive us insane and push us to value our madness more than our own lives; but we are still alive. Underneath all of its scars and past all of its horror, Dalarath loves and laughs in those darkest corners ignorant Arbiters and dominant partners cannot see. Why do you think some amongst my kind have joined with Respite Point's refugees? Why do you think Xel'otath cares for a human infant as if she were his own?"

The smile then turned slightly sad. "You will come to kill some of my people, Meris. It is inevitable. Do it if you must, but if there is even the slightest remnant of compassion in those members of the Prelacy you will extinguish - whisper a few kind words to them. No matter what the Augur has been taught to preach, the White God hears all who speak favorably of others, even if it happens only once."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

"When I make it back tae th' surface world, I wager I shall hae tae completely part ways with my old life," Meris admitted sadly. "My family would be threatened, an' I imagine they would think I was mad if I told them what had transpired here. But sacrifices must sometimes happen."

She then asked the Void Weaver, "How much time would I have available tae study here, but still have enough tae study weapons wi' Adewale? Th' Augur said he was gaunnae tae look in th' banned portions o' th' Darkhallow. Adewale figured that'd take up th' afternoon."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Delmar parted his arms again. "Time has no meaning here, Meris. You can spend as much time as you'd like. You need only will yourself to turn your few minutes of actual slumber, up there, into centuries or eons, down here. How you partition the time you give yourself, I have no control over. You might as well consider me as a helpful librarian... Which leads me to another matter I would like to discuss with you."

He took a few steps, nonverbally urging her to follow along at his placid and tranquil pace. "I am dying, Meris. My body is old beyond its years, to the point where the waking world has become a prison for me. I won't ask you to offer me a decision in the immediate, but I would still lay my proposal on the proverbial table, for you to examine."

He was silent for a few moments. "Every Void Weaver who connects to the Darkhallow shapes a part of it into some sort of demesne, a personal retreat of sorts, nestled deep in the fortress of the mind. Most of us are unable to dream and simply come here every night, but you shall have the choice. As your corner of the Darkhallow can be as spacious as you'd wish it to be, I would ask that you shelter my spirit for the foreseeable future. My body has run its course but with you, I find new purpose. If I were to simply aid you in cataloguing those books or otherwise keeping your personal sanctum tidied up, you would find me greatly honored. Far be it from me to intrude upon your consciousness, however - as well as your waking moments."

There was a brief moment of hesitation. "Of course, should you need to see me on a more present basis, dwelling in your Darkhallow would allow me to project myself forth. You would, essentially, hallucinate me into any surrounding chairs or seated at any nearby and convenient table. That is - if and only if you do require my assistance."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Meris' lips parted slightly at his offer, feeling rather humbled by it. She smiled softly and nodded. "I'm honored by yer offer, Elder. Any and all assistance you could give would be greatly appreciated. I'd be glad tae hae yer aid."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Thank you," nodded Delmar, obvious relief giving a light touch to his words. "I will hold on for as long as I can and do what I must to prepare Respite Point's inhabitants," he said. "I will transfer into your mind only once I will have exhausted all of my energy. I can still leave my residence on a few lucky days, so there is still time."

He then returned to a sombre or thoughtful disposition. "Your leaving will save them. I've looked upon this book myself, and everything leads me to believe you aren't going to leave them for good. You may lose the generation that gave birth to you, but your blood will live on - either through your own progeny or your aunts and uncles' own descendants."

He smiled again. "One way or another, you will fight with family on your side, once you will have reached the final battlefield."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

"Th' thought o' progeny just baffles me," she admitted, looking to the book. Meris then looked to him. "I barely ken ye. What's yer story, Elder?" she asked.