Chapter I - Sword and Shield

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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

While Sophia helped organize the First Aid efforts, Crystal had found the nearest phone to call in orders for backup from the main precinct. She had specifically ordered extra officers to help with the relief effort and not to make arrests of new superhumans. The last thing she wanted was for mundane officers to stir up trouble because they supposedly felt threatened by confused yet powerful individuals.

Aspasia had taken to feeding people along with Coach, as she was leery of dealing with military. Most of the population had no idea what had caused the assault, so she didn't want to be in the middle of a blame game directed at formerly loyal Elysium Chimeras. Ciaran and Neasa were doing their best to soothe citizens who were shaken up by being exposed to via.


"The mainlanders are getting settled in. SurReCA or no SuReCa, I've been humming a calming tune to relax them. Things have already been going to hell in a handbasket today, so I might as well soothe their nerves. They've got food and drink in their bellies; that's all we can give them until we have some idea of what's going on," Cole answered, his reply carrying the melodic dialect of the Orkney Islands. "I'm just concerned about my children. They're grown, but I haven't heard a word out of them since this mess started up. Sedna called their work numbers; they haven't shown up today. And cellphone service has been spotty with that shaft of light messing with the towers' signals."


Meanwhile, Aislinn sighed and stepped through the portal. "I'll do my best, Gubbin. We need to move past our differences and focus on the bigger problems," she stated.
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Gubbin's estimate hadn't been completely off: they both appeared within a street corner of Mertown's one and only watering hole. It wasn't long before they pushed their way in, the Malk's appearance drawing surprised looks from the locals. Despite this and the local police captain's rather curious glances, Gubbin didn't speak for the moment. He'd assumed Aislinn would want to reassure her parents first.

If anything, a croaking sound of slight confusion left Mac Loch's mouth as he exchanged a back-and-forth look between Aislinn and Cole. He hadn't expected the man's concerns about one of his daughters to be allayed that quickly!

* * *

The civilians were fed and cared for and it was soon time for the volunteers and Army men to step forward. Among them were a few city officials - the mayor being one of them. Rather uncharacteristically, he didn't look too interested in the food they were serving, which was usually the case when a crisis of some kind shook the city or its administration. Maybe the current ordeal was sufficiently severe and touched on basic needs of the people to a sufficient degree as to make it rather crass for a well-fed anthro walrus to be seen eating from the stew rations being given out to the rescue, salvage and initial clean-up crews. Considering, Wallace Doherty stood in line with the others but quickly stepped aside once he stood in front of Aidan and Aspasia.

"I wanted to make sure you had everything in hand here," he said, sounding rather humbled by the turn of events. "Archie Holden sent word of your rescuing Baverley in Faerie; and I wanted to thank you for it."

He paused. "In his name, that is; as he won't admit it. Wyvern's Operations leader followed through once the storm drains were cleared and you'd left the tower; Spearhead escorted him back to his apartment building. I've let him know that I'd be examining his recent outreach and financing efforts more closely...
- I'm guessing we'll have to add recording gear to our equipment," surmised Aidan, "if what we do ends up being admissible in court."

Doherty raised an eyebrow at that. "Are you planning a repeat performance?"

Three flashed a quick grin at Aspasia as he kept handing out bowls. "Me? No. I'm scared shitless, sir. I saw things today that I'd rather forget, same as before. The thing is, though - today left me feel needed. It feels good. I'll keep at it, considering.
- You do know what this means, right? Your past gets dragged out of the mothballs, the illegality of what you've done is brought up in court...
- Vigilantism is what's illegal, sir," countered Aidan. "A structured response isn't. A paralegal expertise of the HPD isn't."

Doherty tried for a look of disapproval, but the interest was obvious in his eyes. "You're asking for a re-shuffling of the HPD's departments and a repeal of the screening laws... You're asking for a Supreme Court battle.
- We already have a fighter in the ring," noted the former soldier. "The governor. All he's missing is a case study and a truckload of depositions. I'd say he's just earned them. There won't be a supe in town or anyone who's seen the twenties to the sixties that'd be left to support SuReCa. We leave the registration arm in place for legal references, the penal starts to be used on a case-by-case basis."

He served a bowl to the next person in line. "The way I see it, superpowers or abilities are like firearms. I'm all for Washington knowing what I can do, I'd just like it if the State trusted me to use my abilities responsibly. Despite everything that's been said about me, the opposite hasn't been proved. I don't remember killing anyone. The new superhumans will want that chance, sir. They'll need it to even have a chance at resuming their former lives.
- Then the Senate argues that we'd be forced to wait until someone injures or kills someone else before considering them criminals. It's a thornier nest than the issue of gun control!
- It isn't, sir. Innocent until proven guilty still applies, last I checked. Superhuman forensics need to catch up, and fast. If you wanted to accuse one of my friends of wrongdoing, you'd have to shoulder the burden of proof. We can't lock someone up pre-emptively or on vague suspicions of involvement."

Doherty seemed satisfied by Aidan's line of reasoning. "So what's next?" he asked, this time to both the Chimera and the human.

Three could only shrug. "We clean up, we patch ourselves up, we rebuild. Once that starts, we work on Archie's plan. We find financiers and free ourselves from the city's budget limitations and from any taxpayer criticisms. We go private, but we work hand-in-hand with the HPD. Before any of this, though, we'll have to prove to a jury that we were out there to save people."
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

The male selkie didn't have far to go to reach his youngest daughter. "Aislinn!" he exclaimed, hugging his daughter fiercely, not knowing of her injury. She winced and hissed loudly, then pushing her father back. "Dad, not so tight, okay? My ribs are still sore..." she stated.

"Sedna! Aislinn's back!" Cole shouted to another part of the tavern before turning back to her. "What happened to your ribs? Where have you been?" he asked, looking at her apologetically. A short, dark-haired woman pushed her way through the crowd to reach her mate and child, relieved to see one of her daughters. Having heard of the state of her ribs, she gingerly embranced the slightly taller woman.

"Fighting against the bastards behind the attack with Ciaran, Neasa, and others," she summarized. "It's a long story, and it's going to take a while to tell. Neasa and Ciaran went on ahead with our new friends while I recuperated. They won and sent the Abominations packing."

Her parents then looked to the Wyldfae standing nearby with a look of curiosity and slight apprehension. "Why is a Malk with you?" her mother inquired.

Aislinn sighed lightly and gestured to him. "Again, part of the long story. To sum up, this is Gubbin. He's bound to me through a geas and saved our asses while we were battling McHae. He'll be living with Ciaran and me as my manservant."

She glanced over at the butler. "Gubbin, these are my parents, Cole and Sedna McConmara."

"Thank you for helping our children," Sedna answered, looking slightly incredulous as she took in the few details offered to them. Cole nodded gratefully to the feline man.


Aspasia pursed her lips as she served up another bowl of warm food for a survivor. Tilting her ears forward, she noted to the walrus, "They already have the approval of Sir Percival, mayor. As a matter of fact, these young people were recognized by the Countess herself as honorary knights. That has to count for something. They need training, but they have the right mindset to be defenders of Hope. Brave, yet humble. They were willing to sacrifice their lives so that a greater majority would live. And from what I've seen, there will be greater problems to face in the future."
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

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Gubbin didn't move from the entrance hall, but he'd assumed a rather characteristic posture, with his hands tied high up behind his back. That alone implied that he'd merely done what he considered to be his job and was unable or unwilling to internalize the praise he was offered. His head and hips slightly dipped forward in a restrained show of gratitude for the compliments.

"I... think Cole would've mentioned one of his daughters entering an agreement with a Malk," then noted Seamus.

"Our compact is recent," immediately conceded the Wyldfae. "My former master, Gawain Machae, sought to destroy Hope and its sylvan guardian in order to prove his allegiance to an occult cause. In the last years I spent serving him, he was careful to exclude me from the details of his transactions. I merely served as a bound accessory to his crimes and have no personal association with the last weeks' thefts of magical artifacts.

Madame Aislinn and her peers confronted Gawain in his constructed sanctuary, located far and deep within Mab's realm. With my initial master having expired and my own progenitor being unable to reclaim the mantle of power, I was left directionless. I impressed the dangerous aspects of this reality upon Madame and her peers, stating that I feared for my own sanity."

He gave Cole an almost disturbingly feline look, his eyes having a deeper penetrative power than a mortal's. "Your daughter may have chosen to shelter me, good sir, but rest assured that I stand willing to honor mundane law in all its forms, should my prosecution be required. While it is now my desire to serve her and her kin and blood relations, it would be dishonorable of me to claim such a post if I am deemed an accessory to Gawain's crimes. In which case, it is within Aislinn's power to sever her geas and leave me to my fate. Should I survive, I would not seek to pursue her or her kith and kin."

The pub had fallen silent, leaving Seamus to narrow his eyes. "So what did you do? Did you kill anyone? Did you only steal the required items to fuel the spell?"

Gubbin didn't even falter. He didn't even try to embellish the truth. "I assaulted Katherine Starr in order to put her on the correct trail - seeking as I was to put an end to my own crimes while being powerless to do so on my own. Previous to this, I stole several magical implements from notable collectors and practitioners across the city. I was also regrettably forced to kill my former master in order to prevent him from destroying those I felt had the best chance of protecting Hope.
- You were either compelled to do what you did out of your Oath to Machae," summarized Seamus, "or because you were trying to derail his plans... Being a Wyldfae, would you say you premeditated anything? Would you have looked for other ways if you could have?
- No and yes," curtly replied the Malk. "In that order, sir. Circumstances compelled me when the Oath did not. I may be bonded into performing despicable acts, and I shall obey within the limits of my mental and physical capabilities. If left undirected, however, or simply commanded on the mundane level, I will attempt to use my judgment and morals as I see fit. It is not entirely impossible for me to disobey a direct order, if no Oath has been formulated.
- So you would have stopped this from Day One, if you'd had the chance," inferred the water dragon, who stroked his short facial ring of hair. "That counts as attenuating circumstances, I'd say. I can't say you'll dodge the courtroom, mister Gubbin, but you just might dodge the brunt of Conspiracy and Accessory to Terrorist Acts accusations that'll be tossed your way..."

* * *

"It looks like it," muttered Wallace. "Even without any other upheavals, the city's in for another few years of the Commission's architecture cabinets pocketing the reconstruction and remodelling contracts. We've got one trashed avenue to renovate, a park to clean up and at least a hundred smaller disturbance sites to whip back into shape... Good news for the people who managed to gentrify parts of the industrial district, bad news for the average taxpayer."
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Aislinn looked to the water dragon with a slightly miffed gaze. "I get it. Gubbin isn't a saint and is at fault for some of what caused the attack; however, there are bigger culprits who orchestrated the conflict. Gawain was one of them; he was working under Mab. Yet, my siblings and I saw one of the things that was truly at the heart of it: a Void Weaver. They don't officially exist, but this tentacled bastard tried to kill me, Ciaran, and Neasa, and in doing so, he had punctured one of my lungs. Thankfully, Mother Deirdre was able to heal me."

Cole and Sedna both paled and went quiet, then pulling their daughter close. "You're lucky to be alive, " Sedna whispered as she stroked her hair.

Nearby, Sarvin listened intently and tapped absently at his sturdy, driftwood cane. He had since come down from the roof after the Abominations vanished and was resting after taking them out with a few of his men. Rolling up his sleeves, he nursed the mug quietly.


Aspasia shrugged. "Could be worse, " she admitted. "It's better to be handling the mundane consequences than all of us being dead, which would have happened if we hadn't succeeded."
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

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The Police Captain wasn't entirely satisfied by this. "As much as I want to believe you, lass, this is one testimony claiming that one of the mythical enemies of our respective species was involved. Legends don't hold well in court. You'll need a sterner defense, something official."

Another aging Finman exchanged a look with Sarvin, as if mutely asking for the right to speak. He then spoke from the back of the room, his voice having a bit of a nasal Delaware brogue interspersed with his species' occasional hissing. He had the looks of someone based off of Plum Island, or who had relatives there.

"Call up Leonard Ephesian, little girl! Man's got plenty of experience with defendin' things what have sharp teeth!"

Seamus held up a hand. "Belay that, Silas! The McConmaras don't need to sully their hands with Commission toadies! I'll give you the goat's got a tongue of sterling steel, but he'd be chasing after a paycheck when the man murdered his own meal ticket! No, I'd call Tanner, myself. He'd be able to frame some of what Aislinn's told us and shine a good light on it. If we're looking at an honest case of a guilty conscience finally working up enough gumption, I doubt guilt needs to be brought into the picture! Ephesian's going to play the world's best bloody violin solo for her and the Malk's jury, when Aislinn here and her friends are going to want to spread the truth of what happened today!"

He scoffed. "Theatrics work in a Fae court, and you all ken that! Give the people honesty and you slake their thirst for retribution."

As ever, the local Captain didn't exactly hold Sarvin in high regard. Seamus considered Sarvin as a citizen of Mertown and, as such, as someone who deserved basic rights and some degree of privacy. That didn't suggest, however, that he'd close his eyes on the agreements that were in place between Weasel Biggs and him. There wasn't much he loathed more than the sight of crates of toys or discount furniture arriving outside of seasonal shipments from overseas, as he knew Sarvin accommodated the local don by allowing him to use his distribution network to supply the city's pushers.

Gubbin, in the meantime, remained silent. One way or another, he knew he'd have to fight for the right to exercise his duty as Aislinn's manservant.

* * *

The penniped produced a scoff that carried as much agreement as it did the sense that this could've qualified as the year's best understatement. "I'll do my best to delay the establishment of an investigative commission for a few months. You'll all need to get situated and to fall off the social radar for a few. You'll also want to prepare your depositions - and your defenses, if anyone thinks of bringing up elements of your respective pasts."

Three shrugged. "I have a sense that Aspasia's already been grilled before, during Elysium. I know I have. I'm used to idiots in suits assuming that I'm the defacto bad guy. Disappointing them won't be too hard."
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

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"I've been grilled before," Aspasia responded, then glancing over at Neasa and Ciaran as they comforted survivors and new supes. "What about them, though? They volunteered to help us. They don't really have a trial-laden past. Merely honest people wanting to protect their home," she mused.

"I'll give Tanner a call," Aislinn replied, understanding McLoch's reason. "The main reason I wanted to come here was I guessed my parents would be here and wanted to check on them. I'm certainly not ready to jump into a legal situation without taking time to think on it. I really should try to meet up with Archie and the others. See if I can't help out."
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

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Three shrugged. "Judging from what my father tells me, it's pretty normal for private investigators to get called in to testify. If we're serious about this heroes-for-hire idea, then we should expect the legal requirements that come with it."

The mayor seemed a bit surprised. "So that's it? You cash in your good will with the Summer Fae, you rope in corporate and Federal assistance through the Governor, use parts of Holden's stash to bootstrap yourselves up and then - away you go?"

Three gave the walrus a questioning glance. "It's that or we twiddle our thumbs until laws actually change, at which point the city might've endured another catastrophe. I'm confident in our ability to avoid overcharging your administration," he said, smirking a bit at the end.

* * *

Seamus lightly scoffed. "Look outside, lass - of course they'll need help. My men can't be everywhere, the bloody Commission can't cover all the neighborhoods if cops are around..."

He let his voice trail as he peered out, but something caught his attention. He briefly gestured for Aislinn to wait and then dug inside his jacket. "Before I forget - some pale gent in old-fashioned clothes stopped by. Voice like the grave - he said he'd already spoken to Starr - but he wanted me to give you this. Said you'd appreciate."

The water dragon handed a plastic card to the selkie, something like a miniaturized postcard. Instead of some sort of aerial view of the city or an idyllic snapshot of Pickman Sound's orchards, the printed side was a black-and-white shot of a large leather-bound tome, its clasps forged in heavy iron and cast in curiously serpentine designs. It bore no name or recognizable inscriptions, or at least none that could be read on the photograph.

The back of the card contained a small message:

Miss McConmara-

Zebediah has many books, and many more he has forgotten of. Consider this as a small token of esteem. Find this book. The second tome of Meris' scientific journal.

He will have hidden it, and will have hidden it so thoroughly as to forget its existence. Put the lich out of your hair for a few hours, and search as well as you can. Beware Evangeline's spirit. She does not take kindly to uninvited visitors.

A friend.
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Aspasia looked to the walrus and smiled lightly. "Mayor, you'll eventually have to have some confidence in these kids once they get on their feet, just like you would with the best cops. It'll be a rocky road, but I think things will be better once they're working alongside the cops," she stated.


Aislinn skimmed over the card's message and held back any discernible reaction. She pocketed it and nodded to Seamus. "Thank you, Mr. McLoch," she replied, then looking to her parents. "Would you like to come with me? Neasa and Ciaran will be with Archibald Holden and the others. There should be plenty to do there," she offered.

"We'd like to join you," Cole answered, curious as to what the card had said.

"I'll show you later, Dad. There's also some things we need to talk about. Family things," the young selkie responded telepathically.
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Re: Chapter I - Sword and Shield

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Well, let's hope you're right," replied the walrus. "The force has its fair share of people who grew up reading about Archibald or Amazo or mister Kirilov's post-Battle adventures. You'll find plenty of support there. Elsewhere, though? It just seems more prudent of me to say you've got your work cut out for you.
- We'll have to win them over one way or another, sir," started Aidan; but something caught his eye over Wallace's shoulder. Without thinking about it, he set his ladle down and shouldered his way past the waiting queue.

He'd seen something, a face he'd recognized from Twentynine Palms... A tall gentleman with gaunt features and short silver hair in Army court dress... He spent a few seconds excusing himself as he pushed past strangers, and then seemingly lost sight of him. Just as he was about to turn tail and return to Aspasia, he saw him again, speaking to a few guardsmen in a nearby tent. It was the eyes that told him he'd latched onto someone from before he'd changed - that icy blue - along with the general's name tag. There was only one word on it.


Aidan resolved to try and talk to him. What kind of U.S. Army general only had one word on their uniform's tag? He headed towards the tent, but another group of refugees passed in front of him. His pace growing a bit more hurried, he pressed on through them. Somehow, however, by the time he was in the clear again and within one or two strides from the tent's opening - that aging general had disappeared. Left confused by all of this, Drake returned to the disrupted queue and his simmering electric cauldron. In the meantime, Archie had ventured closer and had seen the young man walk off without properly excusing himself.

"What the deuce was this about?" he asked. "You can't just leave these people to-
- I- I know," replied Aidan, "I just - You know that feeling you get when you say you just saw a ghost? Not literally, but in the colloquial sense?"

Archie's eyes narrowed, not so much at Drake proper as at the surrounding throng. "I see... Here, take the remainder of the day. As I'm sure Aislinn has returned to her parents, I assume your sister will be worried sick by now."

Gratitude briefly flashed in Three's eyes. "Thanks. We'll need to set some time aside to discuss the aftermath of all this, though," he said, handing the Clank his apron.

* * *

"I should be glad to escort you all to Quigley Road," added Gubbin, "but we shall require transportation. I fear Madame your daughter needs to recuperate, and crossing half the city on foot would be inadvisable."

Seamus couldn't hold back an amused scoff. "Are you really going to go all yessir ma'am on Aislinn? She's a young enough lass and she certainly doesn't require constant protection.
- Propriety demands I use the expected honorifics," curtly replied the Malk. "However, should my mistress dictate a change in protocol, I would have to oblige.
- It's none of my business, really, but an informal relationship might be more effective," added the water dragon, looking at Aislinn to see what she'd think of it."