A Light in the Darkness

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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Lucian looked thoughtful for a moment, after which something like a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, behind his tentacles. "I've never had the... dubious pleasure of entertaining another Void Weaver as a mate, and have never wanted for anything throughout much of my life. Considering, I remain ignorant of the finer points of our world-renowned egg stew..."

Giuseppe grimaced slightly. "I've eaten some of it, once. That was shortly before Messere Lucian purchased me. Back on the surface, I once spoke to English ship mates. They spoke to me of porridge. It is dried and cut wheat grains cooked in water. The starch binds with the water and creates a gruel. It seems bland and unappetizing, but went very well with fruits.

Suffice it so say, egg stew is like this, only much worse. Bitter and salty."

Even Nereus had to wince at this. "I understand how my own species mates, naturally, but I am like yourself, Lucian. I find no pleasure in submissiveness and would not want to stand as another Weaver's thrall, either. At best, you'll find me massaging my egg sacs once or twice a year."

He briefly looked at Meris. "You've briefly had other masters, but our sacs are located at the base of the throat. I am told that certain displays can drive Weaver couples to stimulate one another's throat with our tentacles. We're driven to share liplocks at the apex, and exchange eggs. Our mouth then produces the enzymes that would fertilize the eggs. Once the taste becomes uncomfortable, we spit the mixture out in water bowls. As the water turns to jelly over the course of several weeks, we shift to larger vessels."

Lucian nodded. "All the while, our juveniles are devouring one another. Only the strongest two or three fertilized eggs survive. Soon, the later stages of their maturation requires a small pond or an easy access to the lake's shores. They are born like your infants, Meris, but grow to their adult size within a few hours. Some have pinned our lack of infancy or childhood to the Others' impatience, others see it as a form of adaptation to our treacherous lives. The sooner a child is physically mature, the sooner he may confront the world independently.

We say these hours belong to Harrogath, as juveniles care for nothing but food. They require immense quantities of fuel to grow as fast as they do, lest their own shifting bodies condemn them to various malformations."

The old Lord sighed. "Our malformed offspring are sent to the slave markets, if they survive. I've seen several who suffered from nothing except learning disabilities in regards to the Mad Arts, and more whose only fault involved suffering from some form of mental retardation. Those with broken bodies generally do not live long."

Giuseppe looked uncertain. "Weren't we supposed to find something fun to talk about?"

That made Nereus scoff. "Well - that still is a facet of our culture that warranted a brief bit of exposition. We'll think of something for those unfortunates, I'm sure. That said, I can see how slaves would find egg stew to be a degrading food to eat."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

In thanks to the explanation of Void Weaver reproduction, Meris felt her mind go somewhat numb and reel a bit. At the same time, she recalled the time of Kai's conception and her pregnancy. She had helped her mother, Ilta, with giving birth to her siblings. All those experiences had their own levels of discomfort and pain, but they also provided a sense of familiarity. However, she agreed they needed to find some way to help unfortunate Void Weavers that had not been born strong.

She nodded in response. "We'll find a way tae help as many people as possible."

The roane smiled lightly. "Nereus mentioned ye love th' works o' William Shakespeare. Any particular favorites?"
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Well, the Bard's works are not readily accessible here in Dalarath, so I must admit my collection is lacking in some respects," noted Lucian. "However, I've managed to secure copies of his comedic repertoire, as well as the first two acts of Coriolanus. Of them all, I would say I favor The Comedy of Errors."

He shrugged lightly. "I've been made aware that Shakespeare is largely remembered for his contribution to tragedy - but there really is quite enough of it to go around, down here. I suspect I will have another time and place to find Hamlet, Prince of Denmark and Romeo and Juliet."

Nereus seemed interested. "What about The Comedy of Errors? What drew you to it?
- I suppose it all stems from how tragedy is resolved harmoniously. If harmony is a possibility on the surface, I suspect the chief interest in Shakespeare would be focused on his dramatic works. Down here, peaceful resolutions are so uncommon that I found some solace in Egeon's slurry of quid pro quos somehow ending with the reunification of his family and chattel. I understand it remains a lesser known work, but I would not have all the respect I have for my staff, nowadays, if not for the character of Dromio, Egeon's long-suffering and kind-hearted slave."

He scoffed lightly. "Or to be more precise, his slave and said slave's freedman of a brother, who have the misfortune of being twins..."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Meris smiled and shrugged. "I am not as familiar wi' this play, due tae the reason ye mentioned. From what I hae read, Shakespeare wrote about many different topics. Th' play I always got a laugh out o' was A Midsummer Night's Dream," she commented. "I dae wonder if Shakespeare was makin' a bit of satire about Oberon an' Titania an' Fae culture in general."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Lucian shrugged lightly. "I believe he was operating on what little the Fair Folk had seen it fit to present to the mortal masses. Granted, we Void Weavers know fairly little of the Fae, except that they stand as another example of the Others' lack of a monopoly in the creation of sentient life forms. The dragons are to be credited for their existence, if I'm not mistaken."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Meris nodded in agreement with Lucian's assumption. "Aye, they were. Th' Fae, in turn, created th' dryads an' naiads. It was no' very often, but I remember occasionally seein' a Changelin', a Wyldfae, or a lower rankin' Fae. Titania an' Oberon stick tae London, frae what I have heard. Though, most of the time ye wouldn't ken a Fae if he or she had their veil up."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"A smart approach in what is sure to become fairly parlous times," noted the elderly Squid. "I've made efforts to progress past the Prelacy's squeamish attitude in regards to reconstituted Flesh Mask components, in this regard. I believe it could be possible to create a lattice of epidermis-like matter by using via and some measure of Black Speech in order to coax sampled fragments into generating more skin. Currently, we find ourselves forced to liquefy entire slaves in especially prepared basins, if we wish to take on their likeness."

He returned to his notebook. "I've attempted to use standard veils for myself but alas, I find myself to be far too pragmatic to fit the needs of a magical barrier. It's a hard thing, to learn to think in terms of skin tones and aesthetic composition when you've spent your entire life looking through Creation's offered chemistry set in complete understanding of its deepest permutations."

That, somehow, made him chuckle. "I really shouldn't complain, Meris, I know. I can meld Matter to suit my needs and bemoan my not being an especially talented Mage... How ironic."
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Meris shrugged lightly and smiled. "Continue practicing what ye're good at, Lucian. Learn tae manipulate th' elements wi' yer other abilities. Something might come o' that. Only some wizards an' archmages get that good. Th' most recent one I heard o' is Merlin. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, I'm still a novice compared wi' some mages," she admitted, chuckling at herself.
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Lucian could only return the smile. "Oh, but you've more than the average practitioner, I'm sure. Surviving the ride down here is already quite a feat and, well..."

He sighed. "We don't make life easy for our guests, suffice it to say. I can only hope we'll be able to see this through."

* * *

The weeks passed, Meris, Nereus and Lucian forging stronger bonds, and the roane periodically returning to Respite Point to strengthen the escapees' defenses and keep an eye on everyone's morale.

Then, as expected, one of Meris' serving girls gently woke her up in the middle of the night. Nereus, beside her, remained locked in the land of Nod, something deep and contented being perceptible in his snores. He was healthy, madly in love and brimming with projects. He hadn't slept so well in centuries.

"I'm sorry, milady," said Leila, a girl Meris would later understand to have come from the shores of Lebanon, "but it's time. Delmar's lungs are failing him. He won't survive the night."

Looped around one of the girl's arms was a loose robe that would keep the subterranean lake's humidity off of the Consort while they trekked, along with a carefully prepared bundle she'd had recognized anywhere in Dalarath. It was her pelt, prepared as per her instructions and carefully hidden when there was no need for it to be in use.
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Re: A Light in the Darkness

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Meris momentarily blinked at the servant girl and quickly tossed aside the heavy veil of sleep, rising from the bed. She removed the clothes she had retired in and took the robe from her. Wrapping it around her, she took her pelt in her arms and nodded. "Leila, take me tae him," she whispered, suddenly feeling the reality of the situation become that much more imminent.