To Lucian

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To Lucian

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What is your experience with the powers of Heaven and Hell? With your long life, you're bound to have come across a being from the heavenly or infernal realms.
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As Lucian

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Unfortunately, I have yet to meet with a native of the Plane of Bliss, and for reasons that are fairly simple.

I deal in pain, to be bluntly honest. Not mine, but the pain of others. They may have passed on or may be tormented by beings who carry their own burdens, but there is almost always some form of healing process in need of being tapped into. Healing, unfortunately, is never simply bestowed upon the deserving. To recover from any sort of pain is an ordeal all its own - or else I would not be forced to keep therapists as external references. This is especially true of the pain caused by supernatural encounters, which is something very few people are equipped to attempt to resolve, even to this day. Most are simply told to deal with it, to somehow cope with their endured traumas out of the misguided notion that anything involving spooks can be simply dismissed. It wasn't real, I'll hear some bewildered clients say, so why does it still haunt me so much?

Pain is real. Demons, both as literal and figurative concepts, are real. I've seen shades borne out of the guilt and self-loathing of troubled souls, wisps of blackened thoughts and sinking hearts made to roam the hallways of an otherwise mundane building, all because one of the previous tenants was undergoing a period of profound soul-searching and left a particularly nasty imprint behind. Said tenant had not died and had even managed to overcome this slump - but the imprint he'd left behind was sufficiently strong and noxious enough to poison the entire building.

I've met demons, yes. Not very often, and not amongst the most distinguished members of the hierarchy. Tormented spirits evoking feral dogs gifted with hateful speech were more my forte than any Grand Duke wearing the flesh and bones of a man, if you must know. As for angels - I suspect most have no need to reveal themselves to me. I have always attempted to do good deeds out of simple and empirical convictions, and never out of some sanctimonious desire to bring righteousness down upon my foes. Any angel who would see me work would know I am in no need of reproach or correction, much less of encouragement.

The way I see things, self-absorbed paladins are mired in their hopes for some sort of Utopia. If anything, Thomas More has shown me how no society, however perfect it would claim to be, would be truly perfect. The tomes speak of a heavenly hierarchy, which itself informs politics. Politics engender greed, and greed engenders corruption. As sad as it is, it is the way of the world. Of all worlds, honestly.

Angels - and demons alike - have very little to show me that I would find to be of particular interest. They are both corruptible and perfectible individuals who display unbridled attraction for the weaknesses of Man. How very human of them..."
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