Busy, busy, busy...

Sophia's neck of the woods (pun intended), this is where you should head for any meet-and-greet you'd like to partake in, as well for any discussion that isn't related to role-playing. Have fun, go crazy - but keep your nose clean.
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Busy, busy, busy...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Sheesh, what an exhausting two weeks this has been, thus far!

On the personal level, I've started talking with the shrink. Can't go into any details - professional secret and all that. It's apparently part of the process to not mention how your assisted soul-searching is going on... Huh. If anything, I'll say things are going well.

Jerb-wise, been kept pretty freaking busy with a spate of survey questionnaires and other polling-related documents to translate. 'Tis Election Season in Quebec, and you can smell the nepotism in the air. Glorious, glorious springtime...

Then there's Romeo. His former best bud, Thor the one year-old doberman, figured it'd be all fun and games to go and hamstring a decidedly pigheaded poodle. Not to worry, there's three more tendons holding his right triceps in place. Stitching the displaced tendon back in place would have cost us a pretty penny, but the vet assures us that even humans could do with a few tendons less. They're only attachment points for the muscles to the skeletal system, and the body likes to keep things redundant and stable. Two less would be a problem, one less isn't.

The end result is that the Direwolf of House Leam is looking comically miserable, these days, what with a stitch on top of his left brow and the dreaded Cone of Shame.

Been working on a few bios in my spare time, and I should be available for chat and additional posting sometime tomorrow. I've got a last-minute set of electoral guidelines to English-ify, so I don't know if I'll be able to come on tonight in any serious capacity. We'll see.
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