To Nereus

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To Nereus

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So you're crazy about Meris. That's a known fact.

Any other personal insights about women, following your forced separation and before your reunion?
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As Nereus

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Oh, I have several anecdotes I could impart, all based on my various attempts to cope with Meris' absence. I tried to find comfort in other arms over the centuries, but general loathing or self-loathing invariably entered the picture.

As the head of Renewal, I had Hollywood starlets in my jet. I dined with fashion mavens and supped with other self-help gurus from across the globe. Name one emergent philosophical current, an up-and-coming adept of Reiki or Breathanarianism or the attunement of one's chakras with the universe's energies - I've seen them all. I've seen marvelously complex minds losing themselves in fruitless pursuits, and other people of such a vapid countenance and stuck with such a complete lack of personal magnetism that their plastic and perfect exteriors horrified me, behind my posturing.

There was one woman, whose name will remain unmentioned. An artificial tan, extensive Botox treatments, hair so insolently blonde as to look like a children's doll transplants, big, wide eyes that believed themselves to contain depth but that were nearly as shallow as a pool of stagnant water... She loved Xenophon Thanos for his money, his design and fashion sense - but not for who he attempted to be. She clung to me like a jellyfish to its prey and I remember, as the White God is my witness, wanting to flay her mind clean of all of her shallow tripe! I'd gone on for centuries without wishing outright ill will on an innocent, but I'll be damned if she didn't test my patience!

The more time I spent with her, the more I found myself thirsting for Meris. Common preconceptions state that Void Weavers can't be driven insane but oh, how presumptuous this is... Have you ever found yourself ambling behind a harpy of a woman, eyes stuck glazing over while sleepwalking through a shopping mall's expanses, your arms packed with clothes and clothes and more clothes? Imagine a sweet, perfectly shaped mouth, unable to spout anything other than inane sociopolitical commentary and utterly evil judgments toward others?

I terminated this relationship a few months before reaching Hope, and immediately felt myself returning to sanity. I ate less, slept more, started displeasing the Chamberlain once again, which qualifies as progress in my book - I even remember allowing myself precisely one evening to cry, drink and eat my pent-up frustrations away, feeling extensively liberated in the next morning.

Learning that Meris was in Hope, perhaps a scant few miles away from me, felt like receiving a punch in the gut all the while being given a waterskin after an eternity spent in the desert. It took all my focus for me to present a suitably scheming exterior, when all I wanted to do was skim the Web for some clues as to her residence, and then run as I've never run before, straight to her doorstep...

I don't think the word hate properly encapsulates what shallowness excites in me. I crave substance, am always famished for more of it. There are people in this world whom I would utterly annihilate if I could - and not because of my post as Augur or out of some order from the Others. These people, I would wipe from the face of the Earth as a personal favor rendered to the rest of the world.

Of course, like any surface-dweller's revenge fantasies, my own dreams of screaming and writhing molecular dissolution will remain in the corner of my mind, in that little spot I think we all share. We all appreciate the idea of certain despicable sorts earning their comeuppance, and we all have to sit on our resentment that our having been raised as proper citizens makes it all highly unlikely.

Then again, this is rather useful. If there is one thing surface-dwellers and Void Weavers have in common, it's finding a bit of relish in the act of sharing our respective pet peeves and annoyances. Nothing feels quite as nice as finding someone who likes what you like and rolls their eyes at what makes you snort in contempt."
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