Twitch Plays Pokémon

Sophia's neck of the woods (pun intended), this is where you should head for any meet-and-greet you'd like to partake in, as well for any discussion that isn't related to role-playing. Have fun, go crazy - but keep your nose clean.
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Twitch Plays Pokémon

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So, what happens when you turn the controls to an emulated first-gen pokeymans game to the Internet hive mind?

No progress whatsoever. The result is glorious. ... s-pokemon/

Twitch Plays Pokémon is, as expected, a channel. The difference is an IRC chat-bot converts all of the associated chat room's input into game commands. You'd figure it works great with a single person in the room, but when forty people are simultaneously trying to control Red, the results are, well, deliciously chaotic.

In response, TPP started a new version of its control IRC bot, which can operate in either "Anarchy" or "Democracy". The Democracy mode functions by tabulating the commands and inputting only the most popular ones, which weeds out the trolls forcing Ash to walk against a wall for shits and giggles.

Imagine the sweet, wicked satisfaction: you've slipped into a group that's managed to control Red outside of the Kanto region for the first time in four days, you realize the game is in Anarchy mode - and you type Left so Red walks right back into Kanto. Twitch disregards the other commands frantically telling the game to keep going right - and right back into Kanto you go.

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