To Gammell

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To Gammell

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What was your first meeting with Meris like? And how did you realize her connection to the Architect?
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As Gammell

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Ah, yes - our first encounter...

Well, it all began on her end of things, in Sussex. The year was 1915, if memory serves me correctly, and she had proceeded to infiltrate the offices of one of these newfangled newspaper editors - Lucius Haversham. His paper, the Morning Clarion, was really an ingenious little piece of Void Weaver miscellany: the printing press had been altered to include minutely spaced figments of the Black Script in ink virtually identical to the paper's natural shade. The mind never noticed much of anything, but the State did notice a rash of asylum admittances during this particular autumn...

She arrived during the first snowfall, whilst I had planned for the continued dismantling of my former quarters in London. I'd considered the prospect of killing Haversham personally to be some sort of idle distraction, a reprieve from my usually despicable work... Much to my dismay, she killed the Squid first. The scene was a marvelous thing to behold, charged with magic and rife with evidence of physical confrontation. She'd given the poor man no quarter, just as Amaxi denied his corpse any rest. The blighter was briefly reanimated by Her hand, as is common, and shuffled off to the coastline, where it returned to its watery cradle like a forgotten wind-up toy...

She had inspired me, and leaving this strange dervish in wont of proper weapons simply would not do. At first, I sent her tools of mine under an alias, assuming it would be better if I posed as some sort of researcher in the occult, someone aware of her plight and endorsed causes. The more we wrote and telegrammed one another, however, I suspected it would soon be time for me to reveal myself...

I called her forth to America for the first time and from there, directed her to my store. She - listened to me, in some measure... She also attempted to kill me. I don't resent her overly much - I very much am something someone else should desire to end. The sight of one of her favorite weapons on my table, however, sold her to the truth of my assertions.

I'm very pleased to report that the remainder of the day was spent in discussion of our various techniques, as well as in a bit of a luncheon. Other men have been more sentimental than I - but I all but coaxed her to sleep on my couch, this first night, so that we could speak even longer. She returned to her hotel, instead, but came back the very next day.

Today, little more than a few hours goes by without us emailing one another, through secure channels. I keep her abreast of her commissioned weapons' development, and occasionally showcase a few personal projects I am particularly fond of - especially toys and mundane puzzle boxes. She tells me she desires some sort of permanent space, if only so that she could commission a jewel box from me or, well - something of beauty, as opposed to suffering.

As she is my dearest of friends, my draft books contain quite a few designs I've always known would be constructed for her, and for her alone."
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