To Melmoth

Grab yourself a seat, start a fire and poke one of our resident vigilantes, average Joes or supervillains as much as you'd like.

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To Melmoth

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Does anyone in Hell happen to resemble Charlie Adler's Red Guy?
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As Melmoth

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Wait, who?!"

Melmoth steps away and runs a quick search, followed by much torrenting compressed in a second or two thanks to Hell's spacetime compression.

"Right. Cow and Chicken. Big pantsless dude with a temper like a diesel-powered seesaw and sexual issues running deeper than my body's last ex-wife. Nope, can't say that rings a bell."

He leans in closer.

"Old Lenny, though? Well, let's just say I'm very partial to a nicely developed female spirit and I do have an adequate sensibility about decently fleshed-out animuses - wait, is it animi? Animases?!

Whatever, kid - what I'm getting at is Leonard is all about pleasure. Personal pleasure, that is. Pansexual doesn't even begin to cover it, and I guess he'd try and get away with ridiculously flashy intros if he could. It wouldn't fly with the bar, but I'll betcha twenty he's got a Hello, it's me! fetish that no amount of Hellfire could allow him to fulfill.

Plus, do you see him rolling into court? Or worse, butt-walking?

Yeesh. If I ever see that, I'm gonna pluck our my meat sack's eyes, burn 'em and try and regenerate new ones."
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