To Tom

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To Tom

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

What's ailing you? Are you the type that always needs to be scheming in order to feel fulfilled?
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As Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Let's put it this way: you're a kid on the beach and you're working on your sandcastle. It isn't much, compared to what some others might've assembled, but it's your sandcastle. You work at it all afternoon, ignoring calls from your parents to come back into the shade to get some sunscreen on. You work at it even once the burgers are done and hot dogs are wafting in the air. You work at it even once you're offered ice cream. Sunburns peel on your skin and you ignore them. What's more, you realize the ice cream is melting on your hand, so you opt to turn the fluid into liquid for your hand-carved moat. You know you can't stay, so you tear yourself away from your handiwork to practically beg one of the lifeguards to keep an eye on it. You've built it away from the tide line so you think it'll be fine.

You go home, shower and slip into bed, trying to reassure yourself that the lifeguard didn't just say that because you were just another child. Eventually, you realize it's not the sandcastle you're preoccupied with, it's the bullies that'll trample it away that really eat away at your mind. You start to wonder - maybe I've built it up enough that they'll get bored with the drawbridge and outer bailey and leave the inner citadel alone, or maybe I should've enrolled in one of these Great Sand Castles Reality TV shows and gotten it insured with the production company...

The next day, you return to the beach and recognize the exact size of the sneaker marks denoting what's left of your work. The lifeguard waited until you were miles away in your car, satiated with your own accomplishments - and trampled it. He didn't do it out of some mean streak, he just happens to double as an Architecture major. Being too far removed from your own wonderment and effort, he mistook your work as being childish. Ephemeral. Not worth preserving.

If you know Heaven like I do, you know who in this analogy is the Lightbringer. Once Akoman is restored and Creation saved, once the need to reset things manifests, he won't be tempted to preserve the opportunities I benefited from, born out of his own schemes and mistakes. It'll be one man's vision against everyone else's. I can't let that happen. If saving what I've gained and what is everyone else's to keep means making certain sacrifices, then I'll step up to the plate, no questions asked."

He sighs.

"Things won't make sense to most of the others - not for a long while. I made my peace with that fact when I saw the Goat twist Archie around his little finger, when I realized that letting him speak to anyone would place us all in danger. Rhadamantus is going to have to get over my obvious betrayal, he's still claimed everything that was his to re-acquire. His burden is gone and all that's left is his charge. The letter of the law, Celestial or mundane, doesn't matter when all that did matter was making sure that kind of corruption would never again tempt others."

A nod is added. 

I'm doing what's right for Hope, for the world. This isn't the sliver of Pride talking, it's me. I'm a Warlock, I've had thousands of years to see things coming and even old-timers at the game like Vlastos didn't faze me that much - I'll see things coming. If my own friends try and stop me, I'll do my best to be gentle. I can't blame them, they're only doing what they think is right. I have to believe that I'm right, or this will never work."
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