To Rendell or Issacs

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To Rendell or Issacs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

How did you come up with the names for the various Chimeras? Was it at random, or was there an intention behind naming them?
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As Rupert

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"There isn't much to it, really - I tend towards the pragmatic or the evocative, while Gregory has a more consistent eye or flair for the grandiose. I was happy enough naming the Reds after weapons or weapon parts, and he felt Aspasia's compatriots were deserving of something more evocative, more refined than my simply co-opting Beowulf for his creation.

I'd say the first fifty to sixty successful pod breaches earned names from the most popular Hellenic names and mythical characters, while I settled with working down the overall scale of relevancy, all the way through common and contemporary Greek names. Gregory and I argued over Aspasia's name, however. He wanted the commander for his resurrected Fauns to be named Amalthea, after Zeus' foster mother - seeing as he hoped the first of their kind would be a starting template for an army's worth of supersoldiers. I'd settled on Aspasia, knowing that his ambitions weren't quite so provincial as to be satisfied with mere genetic purity.

What he needed, I thought, was a warrior and a philosopher. A sensitive soul encased in true grit, a martial poetess dealing death and truth in equal measures!"

His arms go back down as he realizes he'd just psyched himself up. He sighs wistfully.

"I think his idea of a female lunkhead with cast-iron DNA would've held more merit, in retrospect. I know my do-gooding friends and one-time colleagues at Magnus Tower wouldn't agree, of course, and Aspasia's own quick wit occasionally seduces me on the intellectual level, but I still do find myself wishing she'd retained that respect for magnetism, charisma and obedience I'd originally instilled in her...

If Gregory hadn't requested I stay behind to keep an eye on our friends, I would've stood at his beck and call. The idea that a simple backdoor upload to one of his monthly nanite packages could not only heal him, but magnify his obvious qualities is something I'm still kicking myself for not thinking of earlier!"
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