To Hesediel

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To Hesediel

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

How do you differ from your siblings in temperament and viewpoints? What has your history been like with them?
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As Hesediel

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"There's a few clues in the names I've carried over the passing eons. I'm the Sculptor to some, the Craftsman to others, the Builder - or to some Masonic subsets who innocently know next to nothing about the world's processes, the Architect. That last title is obviously something I've never claimed for myself, seeing as a few secret societies well-versed in the laws of Creation know that title belongs to God's mentor. If anything, I'm the Architect's loaned hammer and chisel, or part of the raw codebase God ultimately crafted creation with.

Matriel, Abdiel and Ariel can all afford to take after their elements a bit more literally than I do, however, seeing as Earth as an element is so much more than soil and stone, than metals and rocks. I can see everything every mineral strain could ever become before mortals so much as learned to extract them from Terra's soil. Every tool of ingenuity, every work of art, every weapon of mass destruction. I'm the first Throne a ritual was ever invented for, the first Throne mortal eyes ever saw, long before the Hominids evolved speech and intellect. I was formless and content for all the billions of years that preceded sentient life's arrival, but I truly found my purpose the very moment a curious Australopithecene banged two rocks together.

I'm much like Gabriel in that my power is strongly rooted in Humanity's innovative spirit. I can combine primary metals in the forge of Abdiel's heat until the end of the universe, but turning coal into diamond or shale into high-grade silicon are just some of what I consider forms of art - and some of these applications are so precise I couldn't simply rely on my own sisters and brothers to bring them into being. In many ways, I'm heavily dependent on mortals. Try explaining microprocessors to the hands and very Tools of God, just moments after the Big Bang occurred. Try explaining gold-lined solar panels or silver nitrate used as a disinfectant to beings more concerned with programming organic life's earliest stages - even I couldn't, and I could see just how I'd eventually depend on the myriad descendants of those first few tide pool denizens we crafted together.

Early in Creation, Matriel saw that parts of the Earth's core called to charges nestled in his element's vapor-based form, noticed how excited water molecules could create and create static charges of such magnitude as to create lightning. He also saw how much I would come to rely on lightning - or electrical potential, to be more precise - to fully empower both my and your creations. While I've been said to call lightning, it'd be more accurate to say that the electric charge nestled in Matriel's clouds has been, well, generously loaned to me by an understanding sibling. Without Matriel and Ariel, you'd have no rain to speak of - and Nami would have no circuits to empower or CPUs to perceive as uniquely sensitive minds. Of course, this led to my being sometimes called Thor, or the manifestation of my own abilities to be seen as mythical weapons, rather than tools. I certainly do have a hammer - flat-head with a rear groove for screws and nails - but in anyone else's hands it would only ever be a carpenter's hammer. Nothing more, nothing less."

He smirks

"Some Middle-Eastern sorts expected me to look like Jesus in his carpentry days, some modern scholars with American roots think I'm some sort of amalgam of every handyman imaginable. I've looked like an Orc in the past, like a variety of humans and anthros - but I'm not quite like Matriel in the sense that I'm less interested in being invested with a particular mortal, as I am with witnessing their creations. Considering, it's just easier for me to remain non-corporeal in the average, to sort of feel myself along every road, every poured concrete foundation, every undisturbed riverbed, every forged steel truss or I-beam, each and every stone statue, every bed of freshly-tilled soil - as well as every gun and blade, every bullet and gunpowder stash.

For a while, I remember hoping God would give me license to go back to the beginning, reshape the atoms of would-be fissile material to kill the Cold War, Hiroshima and the Manhattan Project in their respective eggs. I'm usually good at spotting potential, but this is one time where I required Abdiel's patience and warmth to make me see the other side of nuclear material - the technologies and medical breakthroughs it would foster and, in some cases, the superheroic births it could foster. I wouldn't say I'm in favor of your plundering the land baselessly - I've sabotaged deep-sea oil rigs and shale gas extractors in the past, to be honest - but I do want to see every potentiality and every ounce of possible beauty realized through both my offered tools and the mortal hands that could wield them. From this to letting a Void Weaver commander in the Order of Saint George pray for my favor, there isn't much of a leap of logic to perform.

I suppose my chief difference rests in how essential to you I've become. You've built cities on my back - what could happen if my metal oxidized out of a sudden inability to retain oxygen ions, the way it does on Moon or on Mars, in depressurized environments?"
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