To Gubbin

Grab yourself a seat, start a fire and poke one of our resident vigilantes, average Joes or supervillains as much as you'd like.

An in-character advice board/in-character discussion space, this forum doesn't require or allow the use of sock puppet accounts. Simply edit the topic title for each in-character reply as "As [insert character name here]".
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To Gubbin

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

How do you feel about Aislinn becoming your new owner? How much experience have you had in dealing with selkies?
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As Gubbin

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"None, to be entirely frank, madam. I only know of selkies what the Machae have told me over the years. They, socially and emotionally, are no more complex than humans with an additional layer of skin and extra physical capabilities. That is to say, when they function in seal form, of course.

Consequently, I find myself unable to assess miss McConmara's worth as a selkie, to be exact. Having no frame of reference, I will endeavour to treat her as I would any other master: with respect, dignity, detachment and diligent action.

I may only hope she shall forgive my occasionally picking bird feathers or fox fur out of my teeth - and that her list of enemies shall grow. I live to serve and as a Malk, I especially live to stalk and kill. Joining both occupations in a single act of service is the deepest demonstration of commitment I could possibly muster."
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