To Weasel

Grab yourself a seat, start a fire and poke one of our resident vigilantes, average Joes or supervillains as much as you'd like.

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To Weasel

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So. You used to be a womanizing man-child who felt like a cross between Tony Soprano and Wario. I've obviously redesigned you, actually did my research on mob culture and, well, there we are. No more a crappy Goodfellas expy, you're someone I can be proud to obsess on without feeling too creepy.

What's your take on your old self?
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As Weasel

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Jesus. Was I really this immature? I mean, fuckin' Hell, man!

Look - I get that I'm kinda supposed to be a lovable Low Culture schlub, what with the Marilyn Monroe prints and all the feminine imagery that's straight outta some bad New Wave music video; but you took it way too far, back then. Kidnapping an already abused selkie?! Seriously?! Oh, and some Parallel Universes schtick was needed to have me grow a conscience?! I won't sugarcoat it, kid - I'm sure fuckin' glad you grew up. You're kinda late to the party, but it's the thought that counts, right?

At least now I've got a decent system going. I ain't tryin' to steamroll idiots that have a coupla millenniums on me and I've established my dominance in a way that makes sense - both in terms o' logic and in how the mob works. The whole rebellious black sheep of a criminal empire gag got old ridiculously fast. I'm just relieved I get to be respectable, now."

*scoffs* "Oh, and what did you have me smoke, huh, what with all that talk o' my cigars stinkin'? As an aficionado and an anthro, I wouldn't even try to stand two feet next to any cigar that smells rank. I've been educated and I've got some amount o' refinement. I'll burn in Hell before anyone forces me to smoke a stinker in front o' people I'm supposed to be dealin' with - much less alone. It's a point of pride and of respect for others.

Three words. Double. Robusto. Bolivar. These do not stink, junior."
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