To Aislinn

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To Aislinn

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Underwater habitats are a bit of a future thing in 2013, and some people are predicting we'll have coastal mini-Raptures or underwater hotels by 2050.

What's your take on this?
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As Aislinn

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

"I'd say that the idea of underwater hotels and cities is technologically feasible; I have no doubt about that. Humans have a knack for creating whatever their imagination comes up with. Now, from an environmental standpoint, I'm leery about it. Humans usually construct something without thinking about all the pitfalls of it, whether that involves pollutants or general safety. They'll say it's completely safe or environmentally friendly. That's when Murphy's Law strikes and blows it all to hell. I also feel it'll be a while before the everyday person can just book a suite, so it'll be the high rollers who will be using them the most.

Underwater hotels are already commonplace here in 2025, just not in Hope. I think the McLochs would raise a fuss if such a development happened. My family and I really have no use for them, as we live around water. If I want to see an underwater world, all I have to do is go for a swim in either of my forms."
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