To Katherine

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To Katherine

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

You and Aldergard are pretty much the local epitome of a May-December relationship. Any pros to that? Any cons, for that matter?

I mean, besides the very obvious "My boyfriend has had osteoporosis for longer than American civilization has existed" situation.
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Karl the Mad

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As Katherine

Post by Karl the Mad »

There are nights when he forgets his age, and has the stamina of a man a third my own age. Then there are nights when he can barely climb into bed before dropping into sleep like a rock down a well. But when he IS awake and aware?

...well, let us simply say that I've had a few false alarms, and leave it at that.

Aside from the bedroom, we're not exactly a secret, but we don't go out of our way to advertise. A lingering touch here, a longing glance there, these are things all lovers engage in, and why should we be any exception? I still cannot outdrink him, however, no matter how I try.
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