To Tom

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To Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

What do you think about kinbaku becoming popular in the West?
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As Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Ah, yes - Japanese rope bondage, where layer placements, weight distribution and the amount, size and configuration of knots used all contribute to something that's several orders of magnitude more complex than macramé...

Kinbaku, when properly applied, dispenses pain in carefully measured and exquisite doses. A bit of consensual discomfort, a smidgen of weightlessness, all of it keying into a developing sense of euphoria. As far as human paraphilias go, it's one of the more artistically and technically regimented practices imaginable; one of those rare kinks that actually comes with a fair amount of prior training. The aim, after all, is to keep someone suspended in a way that's only somewhat uncomfortable, not to have a few weak links near your pulley or supporting beam snap. Nobody submits to a kinbaku specialist with the intent of getting an arm dislocated or their collarbone fractured.

Well. Nobody except my esteemed father, I'd imagine. You could add red ants to his hogtied self that he'd still ask for more. As far as personal experience is concerned, however, I'd have to say it's simply not my cup of tea. I tried it during the Meiji Era, just before my railroad tycoon phase back in the US. There's plenty of lust spirits and demons out there who'd give you a few tumescent snorts or moans at the thought of having their extremities go numb, but interaction was always a key factor for me. Helplessness has its allure, but fair skins are meant to be caressed - not admired while hanging upside down.

If Aislinn wants to render me helpless as part of a game of some sort, all she has to do is wait for a moment of stillness, invite me in with a smile - and then keep me at arm's length. Add the right dose of playfulness to the mix, and you've got the exact kind of consensual sadism I've always adored. No cuddles or quiet time for us yet, Tom - I've got twenty pages of an old treaty of Meris' to finish. Not because I need to finish it, but because the idea of you waiting suits me...

Oh, I'd love that. I'd sit down and wait, make small talk like a good boyfriend, and I'd simmer in the expectation.

With that in mind, if someone else were to ask me to play the part of a French boar sausage with all the fixings in a Nippon-inspired take on Story of O, chances are I'd politely decline. Plus, think of the poor support beams and pulleys - I'm nowhere near obese, but I'm also nowhere near being what you'd call a featherweight!"
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