Net Neutrality: Part Deux

Sophia's neck of the woods (pun intended), this is where you should head for any meet-and-greet you'd like to partake in, as well for any discussion that isn't related to role-playing. Have fun, go crazy - but keep your nose clean.
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Net Neutrality: Part Deux

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So with Orange Douchenozzle in the White House, Net Neutrality is being side-eyed again.

You know what the stakes are for American users of the 'net: increased government and corporate oversight over your browsing history, more monetization of said history, the throttling of sites deemed inadvisable or unflattering by big-name ISPs and the worsening of the notion that your average price lines for a basic hookup in your side of the continent are completely unregulated.

As a Canadian, all I can do is keep an eye on the CRTC and make sure that my own local regulations remain pro-consumer. We pay more for our coverage than Americans on the whole, but that has nothing to do with cronyism. Internet access costs a fortune here because there's less of us in Canada than there are of you in America, and the same operational costs have to be fielded. More ground to cover, as many Gigabit-access towers to erect; less people to suck on the proverbial phat pipe. On the other hand, cronyism rules the land when it comes to the American stretches of cyberspace. Prices could be lowered based on the pro rata of your overall population rates, but we all know Big Telecom can't be bothered.

While Trumpcare is drawing all eyes, you could potentially wake up in a world where you have no real say as to where online you can go, how much bandwidth you can consume, and what your credentials can be put to use for.

I might be stuck waving and shouting from across the border, but at least you guys can sign a few petitions - starting with this one. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and sign the last Day of Action's petition, even if you're late. Once you're done, check to see if a bot's posted an anti-Net Neutrality comment in your name. If so, Comcastroturf can give you options to have fraudulent comments noted - and removed, if possible.
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Re: Net Neutrality: Part Deux

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Thanks, Leam.
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