Another random idea

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Another random idea

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I've been playing Let it Die a tad too much, I've watched Hackers again for shits and giggles, and came up with the idea of a lich who, inspired by characters like Max Headroom or Virtuosity's Sid 6.0, would have been running a pirate TV channel for the past few decades. You need special equipment and arcane training - or a team of persons with a combined set of skills - to tune into it safely; along with deliberately obsolete hardware.

Once you do, you're treated with Deadline's fabled "Channel Zero", a channel run by a single maverick technomancer for other hackers to enjoy and learn from. Deadline is something like the immortals' answer to Edward Snowden, a necessary thorn in the Vienna Council's side, there to aggressively report on the occasional cases of investigative overreach or abuse - and to teach the Plain Jane deathless folks with no particular agenda how to protect their privacy online and offline.

He goes for a deliberately tacky and very "nineties cheese" presentation, so the info he delivers remains more salient than the figure he poses. A "radical Bone Bro" usually wearing garish neon colors and suit cuts out of 1993 or thereabouts, he also liberally launches salvos against Marius Vlastos' holdings or Phineas Sharpe's, as much out of hacktivist concerns as those of a teacher, seeing as these two pose as interesting technological Fort Knoxes any dedicated Black Hat is guaranteed to at least want one crack at.

His transmissions being mostly arcane in nature, nobody really knows where he broadcasts from. His sets are usually very retro and self-contained, which makes identifying landmarks an impossibility. However, he uses the Dark Web and Bitcoin donations to arrange private seminars or conferences, and usually flies his own small planes into open fields well away from any legal control towers.

I keep hearing him as a weirdly Eurotrash take on the Joker, if the Clown Prince of Crime had been raised somewhere between America, England, Norway and Sweden.
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Re: Another random idea

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Interesting. :)
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