Something funny only baby cultists have to worry about.

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Something funny only baby cultists have to worry about.

Post by TennyoCeres84 » ... und-in-the

I'm sure Tom, Leonard, et. al. would just roll their eyes. XD
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Re: Something funny only baby cultists have to worry about.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Leonard: "I'd have answered their summons, truth be told. If only to laugh at them for a solid two or three minutes, and then disappear in a puff of smoke after giving them a contemptuous sneer."

Tom: *chuckles* "There's a reason as to why most Arcane Studies departments offer remedial Geometry classes... If you can't handle summoning circles, use an equilateral triangle - or simpler still, any old house's inner thresholds.

If you can't even use arches or open doors to proper effect, however, odds are you've picked the wrong avenue of study."

Amazo: "Lighten up, you two - these are just camp shenanigans. Ten to one that the ceremony leaders didn't have a ritual planned; they'd just watched The Craft and figured they might summon the movie's fake demon. Oooh, take me, Manon! I've bastardized Wicca for forty minutes, and that automatically makes me your bride! This totally isn't pubescent fantasies, no sir! Meris can eat my shorts!"
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