To Mary

Grab yourself a seat, start a fire and poke one of our resident vigilantes, average Joes or supervillains as much as you'd like.

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To Mary

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Have you ever played any of the Deus Ex games, or watched someone play one of them? The later ones are especially adept at handling the moral issues of Transhumanism, in comparison to the earlier games' more wide-ranging social upheavals.

I like to think you and a more peaceful or progress-oriented Adam Jensen would have a lot in common. As opposed to, y'know, the "spam the Typhoon Aug everywhere and shoot cops and innocents in the face" version of Adam Jensen.

Not that I play that one. Nonlethal mêlée takedowns, stun guns and tranq dart rifles are my weapons of choice.
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Karl the Mad

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Re: To Mary

Post by Karl the Mad »

"Well, first off, nonlethal is more or less a gimmick for the video games. A private company wouldn't invest that much time and money into rebuilding a man with nano-filament arm blades and Typhoon weaponry if they didn't plan on making him use them; likewise, the government doesn't break down and train up people like they did to me if they didn't foresee situations where that kind of person would be needed.

"And despite some of our more publicized incidents, the SCRT really does do a lot of good. We might only be activated twice a year, but the bad press isn't really our fault; a situation has to be degraded so far that the only rational response is to activate us and send us in. We're supposed to be reactive, you see. Shit like Operation Blood Feud is us trying to be proactive, which doesn't work out too well as you've seen.

"But you're right. An Adam Jensen who had his head on straight and his priorities in line would find a ready friend in someone like me. We're a minority, we've got strengths and abilities others can't even dream of, and we have a fine line to toe or we could end up on the front pages the next morning."
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