Moah Ideahs

Plot, scheme, devise, tinker and ruminate all you want in this forum. This space is chiefly reserved for any out-of-character discussions still pertaining to the game or storyline that might need to take place. If it fits the game but none of our characters, voice it here!
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Moah Ideahs

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I've been thinking about Rupert Isaacs and how little I've done with him in this iteration of the Hopeverse. I was playing Mad Max, last night, and Chumbucket's devotion to the Magnum Opus (e.g. Max's new car after the Interceptor gets junked) kind of reminded me of Isaacs' devotion towards Rendell. The main difference is, of course, that one man's object of devotion is a hunk of cold steel, the other is a sentient being.

I figure Isaacs has a breaking point he hasn't discovered, a point where worshipping Rendell or working with him becomes inconceivable. He has to have some kind of nugget of calcified ethics waiting in the back of his mind, something that would make him look at one of Rendell's schemes and go No way, that's it, I'm proud of what I've created, but I need to GTFO right now, for my own well-being's sake.

So what would happen if Isaacs asked the more shadowy elements of our stable (as in, the least likely to nuke their careers if they're discovered) to break him out of Chimera Row?

All this time, he's almost only just been a name or a vague face in the back of my mind, and I'm starting to get a sense for the man. He's still unhinged after all these years and it doesn't really show, but the therapy sessions and meetings with the warden are starting to chip away at his mindless devotion to Greg. He would've done plenty of things to himself and others on Rendell's orders - but now he's starting to rethink things...

Maybe it's sanity creeping back in, maybe it's just another ploy to access a research facility as a free man.
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Re: Moah Ideahs

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Maybe Meris or Anton? Anton especially seems like someone to break him out, if only for another research partner.
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Re: Moah Ideahs

Post by Karl the Mad »

Charles would volunteer just for the lulz, and if Anton were going along he'd want a chance to evaluate his tormentor.

Preston would do it just so he could shove it in Rendell's face. xD
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