Mary's past and some ideas of mine...

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Mary's past and some ideas of mine...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Been thinking - it seems to me like Mary ought to have a few leftovers from her police days. Seeing as she's pushing past her mistrust, I don't have a hard time imagining idiots who might've been part of the SCRT who more or less thought their intervention was one big party. She's moved past the whole "sanctioned bloodshed is AWESOME!" part, but others might not...

That reminded me of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance's Four Winds. Most of them love being cyborgs, they love how their professional and political posture are both giving them plenty of leeway to use and abuse of those weaker than they are: they get a handy justification, and they get to kill folks for fun and profit. Win-win, right?

I could see someone coming to that rationale when younger vampires or immortals are concerned, some kind of "anti-Mary" who's pretty much turned into the very same thing he used to fight. He's smug, confident, skilled and dangerous - and baby Fangs can barely lift a hand to defend themselves from him. It'd be fun to pit Jameson against someone who'd basically qualify as her dark reflection, seeing as a lot of newborn vampires are either still stuck with baseline-human levels of strength and stamina, or are barely just above it. They'd have no chance against a cutting-edge cyborg who ignores guns and goes for blades.
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Re: Mary's past and some ideas of mine...

Post by Karl the Mad »

Dude! Yes, that would be great! I could see her debating over whether or not she'd have to wear an exosuit again to try and deal with him, with all the regressive shit that would entail.
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