Going to School

Sophia's neck of the woods (pun intended), this is where you should head for any meet-and-greet you'd like to partake in, as well for any discussion that isn't related to role-playing. Have fun, go crazy - but keep your nose clean.
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Karl the Mad

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Going to School

Post by Karl the Mad »

This time next week I'll be packing some stuff, and then heading two hours south to a truck driving school where I'll spend three weeks getting a CDL Class A. Whereupon I expect to be hired fairly quickly, and thus finally have a career and job security.

Not sure how this will impact my presence here on the board. May be I'll be gone weeks or even months at a time; may be I'll still be able to poke in every weekend, or every couple of days. Either way I figured it wise to put y'all on alert.
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Re: Going to School

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Good to know. I hope this works out for you, Karl. :)

If you think you'll be gone a while, could you at least "park" your guys? Hauser with Wyvern or, I don't know, Charles with its Ops department? They could've been job-hunting beforehand, found better-paying gigs there, or a way to work with the team that's a bit more stable or in keeping with what they do? Whatever works, really - so long as you know where to pick them up from, once you'll be able to jump back in.
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Re: Going to School

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Good luck, Karl!
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Karl the Mad

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Re: Going to School

Post by Karl the Mad »

They each have their own side businesses, you know. Preston doing his networking and such, Charles with his cabs and scrap yards and all that. Ideally they'd go focus on those!

If it turns out I do have my time online reduced significantly, L, could you try and keep a General RP or two open that I could participate in when I have time? That way I can still be a presence without holding the Serial up.
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Re: Going to School

Post by Karl the Mad »

Fucking bureaucracy.

By which I mean, right now I really hate banks, and I really hate corporate drones, and I really hate being almost a week behind with nothing to do about it!

They had to send some papers to my cosigner, who is my father. Okay, fine; send all the paperwork you want. Dad calls me, says he got some stuff and what is it, and I say it's for school and can you fill it out as soon as possible and send it back? Okay, fine; but he has to find a notary first.

And now today, after we get back from morning road practice (which I totally nailed btw, go me!), the director comes out and says the papers aren't back yet so can you call your guy? Okay, fine; I call him up, no answer. Call again, send a text; no answer. Hour later another call, still no answer! Then I find out that since the ducks aren't all in just the right little rows, the time that day didn't count! And they send me home, even after I've been out sick the past two days!

I'm a week behind, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Fucking bureaucracy.
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Re: Going to School

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Sorry to hear that, Karl. I hope that the paperwork and all the other issues smooth themselves out soon.
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Re: Going to School

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Hold on, man. You're essentially going through what I had to endure to get to enroll in some classes, back in my late bachelor's.

You had to apply for X classes within Y days at the start of each semester, the online system wasn't sorted out for the first year, so you had to wait for forms to be mailed your way, if the mail got delayed you'd send the form back too late, at which point you had to hash it out with the registrar and get them to get a proof of transmission from Canada Post and just - fucking Hell. Seriously.

I just hope your instructors are considerate types: none of this is your fault.
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Re: Going to School

Post by Karl the Mad »

It's not the instructors, though. They're all pretty awesome, I'm learning quite a bit. It's the bank, the financial entities that hold all the purse strings.

Makes me wish I'd managed to put the money together on my own, you know? Six grand isn't that much, in the grand scheme, but right now to me, even one thousand bucks seems like a small fortune.

Guess that's another thing I hate, is being poor. America needs better social programs!
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