Ponderings on Hanako and Japanese Fae in general...

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Ponderings on Hanako and Japanese Fae in general...

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

We haven't really explored Japanese Fae in depth, so I thought I'd post my speculations. Leam, tell me if this gists with you and what we have talked about.

As I've mentioned, Hanako would be a Japanese version of a Malk. Japanese Fae would be similar, yet distinct in their own ways. With the nekomata, they'd have two tails instead of one and would probably be the size of a snow leopard. They're still lean and voracioius-looking, but they'd be mountain folk. I figure Mt. Fuji links with its Faerie equivalent, which I thought could be called Eien-no-Yuki, "Eternal Snow". I know, real original... But it works. :p

It's aligned with Oberon's court, thankfully enough, but it's got its own strangeness going on. Near it, there's the forest of Aokigahara, which is 2nd place for suicides besides San Francisco in the world. It might be due to Mab's influences, or some weird Shadowlands-influenced activity. Still thinking on that... In any case, the local Fae may occasionally have to be called down to keep the peace. This is just one region within the Japanese side of Faerie.

Now, onto Eien-no-Yuki itself. Instead of it being reminiscent of the Sengoku period, I figured it'd have more in common with the Heian period; while it had its conflicts, it was still relatively peaceful. Of course, there'd be yokai versions of Percy in samurai armor. It'd have an overall Heian-era Japanese town feel, and they'd help out mountain climbers who get stuck or otherwise trapped because of weather. Hanako's father would be the local baron there.

I figure Yuki-onnas are the Japanese equivalents of banshees. They're probably equally divided between Mab and Oberon. I figure one of Hanako's grandmothers was one of them. WIth the folklore, they can kill mortals, which would be more in line with Mab's court, but the good ones would use that ability to drain body heat/life force for healing purposes. It's generally intimate in nature and varies depending on the severity of the wounds/frostbite/hypothermia. I'm really thinking this might be part of Hanako's meeting with Matriel, several centuries ago.

As for Fae Hounds, they'd be inugami, okami, and kitsune and would generally look wilder than their European cousins, regardless if they owe fealty to Titania or Morgana.

That was the brainstorming session I had going in my head this evening, so I thought I'd share it.
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Re: Ponderings on Hanako and Japanese Fae in general...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

This is pretty cool! You've reminded me of Okami the video game, which is pretty much one of those few titles I think you should really find a way to play.

In it, Amaterasu is summoned out of desperation and asked to assume the shape of a wolf and has to travel the Japanese countryside while looking for a way to defeat the demon Orochi. She's helped along the way by several other figures in Shintoism. Her wolf form is a bit limited to straight combat, but she quickly comes across a magic brush that's put to use for pretty inventive puzzle sections. One of the early levels has you hunting inkpots down because you have to draw a broken bridge back into existence. On the Wii, you actually get to sketch your required objects with the remote. I haven't found anything like that before or since.

Obviously, I wouldn't be too keen on creating an inugami character that respects this particular spirit's rites of creation... Having dug around, it seems you have to bury a dog up to its neck, while placing food out of reach. You're supposed to let the animal agonize over days, and can only tell it that its pain is nothing compared to what the owner is enduring... If all goes well, poof - you've got a protective spirit on your hands. 

Animal abuse equals protecting spirit? Eh, I'll pass. I'd rather assume canine Wyldfae take that mantle for themselves, or that Japan has a Far-centric take on golem creation that takes the spirit of a deceased and loved companion and turns it into the guiding force of a newborn Wyldfae.
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Re: Ponderings on Hanako and Japanese Fae in general...

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Nice! I'll have to hunt it down. I also forgot to mention that trolls would be similar to oni here, but again, less chaotic than their Western cousins. The more sensible would at least be more tolerant of the Gruffs and not go on a rampage against them, in contrast with the ones that side with Mab.

I don't know how much the Japanese Fae will actually enter into future games, but perhaps they'll be around once we deal with Watatsumi later on.
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