A little idea.

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A little idea.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I did mention how Mentalor's current version is incarcerated in a stasis chamber inside Paradise's Depths, but watching The Mothman Prophecies again reminded me of my Indrid Cold expy, Mathan Lore. 

I figure New Mentalor's omnicidal take on a Gentleman Hunter landed him in hot water with another species' Space FBI, or that a race was engineered from the ground up by a distant galactic community to hunt down and capture threats. Mathan Lore would be that group of species' response to Mentalor ending up on Earth.

Of course, while most Karthians and other aliens adjusted to life on Earth and its cultures, Mathan would still be very Klaatu-esque or Indrid Cold-esque.

I don't have a time table as to when that would happen, it does strike me as being something that would take time to develop properly.
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Re: A little idea.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Sounds interesting. :)
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Re: A little idea.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I was thinking about the revamped Mentalor, and might he be a little like Taneleer Tivan in that he keeps the more valuable treasures in a cage? It could make for more interesting interactions between characters.
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Re: A little idea.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

He could, I figure his impounded ship doubles as a hunting lodge, anyway. Some of his "trophies" could be kept alive or in some sort of biological stasis while still active.

Damnit, now I need to start working on bio concepts to get a clearer sense of his culture. I figure his people have a more civilized take on the Predators' tribal culture, that sense of sophistication and casual barbarism I mentioned in one of my earlier Serial posts, just carried to a culture that considers our galaxy to be its hunting preserve.
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