A question about Tyler Renny.

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A question about Tyler Renny.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Leam, didn't you come up with a different appearance for him, where he's basically like a protective suit and a screen for a face? And because of that, he's vulnerable to via?
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Re: A question about Tyler Renny.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Yeah, I did. Renny's likely to be vulnerable to via, seeing as magic is hard to perform on Paradise. Dead worlds are like an open sore where no energies can flow, and Gliese fits the bill. He wears that suit and helmet to keep himself sterile and isolated on the bacteriological level, as Wardens just wouldn't survive the station's current crop of pathogens. 
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Re: A question about Tyler Renny.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I was curious about that if we do play the idea of yours. I'm wondering how his state of being would react to people like Aislinn or Meris, given that they both exude magic. And what about non-mages, like Neasa or Ciaran?
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Re: A question about Tyler Renny.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I figure "internal" magic - what mages carry inside them while idle - wouldn't trouble him too much. If they actually lob spells while he's close by, though, he might experience gradual hardware failures. The bigger the exposure, the more serious his condition gets.

I figure it could be interesting, since it would force our guys out of their comfort zone. Magic would need to be holstered unless they separate, and guns or basic mêlée skills would have to take their place.
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