Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

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Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

I'm wondering if a Void Weaver would volunteer to expose his species by removing the flesh mask, in the same way Matthias did. If he did that, why not Cuthbert, Anton, or Helena? I know they would face the same danger as Matthias likely did, but it would solve some problems. The Vienna Accords group would jump at a chance to record an unknown species on the books.
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Re: Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I'm sure a lot of Void Weavers caress projects similar to this. What's keeping them from going through with it usually stems from the fact that the Others are known for snatching rebellious lives without much warning.

A Squid can outrun another Squid, but Amaxi can't be kept at bay for too long. Going public wouldn't be worth much if the participants all suddenly die of "natural causes" on national TV. The Others don't care in who individually rebellious Prelates choose to confide, but when a large swath chooses to defect - or when a single and crucial member defects - Flesh Masks become one of the few protective measures available to them. The Others aren't terribly perceptive when it comes to identifying low-rank Squids in disguise.

Considering, the hoopla Meris and Nereus caused forced most of the rebels to consider unmasking when they'll be well and truly safe.
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Re: Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Makes sense. Once the Others will have been defeated, then it could easily happen.

As for the possibilities of freeing Nereus, I was thinking that Meris could sneak into his residence at some point in the future and stab his old wound. It might give an inkling of who his attacker is without her having to say it. She could knock out the bodyguards with sleeping gas, and then the Shieldies could hijack the ambulance so they could get him to a safe area. Still illegal for them to do, but little to no loss of lives.
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Re: Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I wouldn't recommend that, the Chamberlain knows about that wound. If Meris feels like signalling Nereus, I'd suggest planting something in the Darkhallow. Rebuilding the ruins of their shared dream-house would be a pretty obvious - and private - calling card.
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Re: Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

*nod* I wasn't sure if that would work or not, so I'll go with that. I just wasn't sure if Meris would still have access to that, given how long it's been. Though, I guess if she's near another Void Weaver, it'd work then?
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Re: Speculation about Void Weavers in the public.

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Yeah, she could hang around the Wizard's Nook while Bertram takes a nap in his room, or maybe ask Cuthbert if he wouldn't mind her crashing on his sofa, one night.
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