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Post by TennyoCeres84 »

- They were created when an Ice Age mage tapped into a leyline and changed his/her fellow travelers into seals to escape frigid temperatures and hunt for food after loss of weapons. Culturally, this involves the death of the old self and rebirth into something new; probably the reason behind the folk origin that selkies are the souls of drowned people.

- With this transformation, selkies’ human forms bear many phocine traits:
- Facial features are generally rounder
- Large, dark eyes.
-Larger ribcages and long necks and torsos.
-Twice the amount of blood found in an ordinary human.
-Dental configuration resembles the given seal species’ teeth rather than humans, though still smaller in comparison to their wild cousins. (Can leave a nasty bite from a pissed-off selkie).
- Long, webbed fingers and toes with short, blunt claws.
- Selkies usually sport some amount of iridescent spots on their bodies, the quantity/darkness of them depending on age, premature or not.
- A male selkie’s genitalia are internal, due to the fact that this characteristic makes them more hydrodynamic, and will slip out of a slit when needed for sexual processes.
- Most selkies are born with dark hair, unless they are of a mixed genetic heritage (human, anthro, etc.).
- Even in their humanoid forms, there are mating seasons. This can vary from region to region.
- A selkie is technically born in their sealskin, like a cocoon, but will have it removed until he/she is deemed ready/able to start shifting forms.
- Twins are rare and mothers usually need some form of assistance in feeding them.

Seal Form:
- A selkie’s pelt usually come in varying patterns of gray, black, brown, tan, and white, depending on the breed of seal.
- They can dive to several hundred feet and stay underwater for up to two hours. They then need a break before diving again.
- Selkies have a fairly high metabolism to maintain a sufficient blubber level and have enough energy to change.
- They are able to consume raw fish, crustaceans, and octopus and so on without much trouble to their digestive systems, provided that the food has not been polluted or poisoned, but selkies still do like cooked food.

- All selkies are born with three abilities: telepathy, shape shifting with the aid of their pelt and third ability that may be random or hereditary. This last power may be psionic, elemental, or fall into a different category altogether. Selkie mages are those that have been born with a strengthened bond to via.
- A selkie’s pelt is their very life. If it is stolen/lost, he/she cannot shift forms. If it is burnt or otherwise destroyed, a similar fate falls upon the individual.
- Another quirk stemming from their creation, selkies are born with a racial memory. More recent ancestors’ memories are easier to access than one from a couple thousand years ago. However, retrieval can be boosted by going into a trance/ close proximity to a nexus.
- In modern times, a selkie’s pelt may be kept from them until the local nexus is active, but the pelt must be bathed in salt water to maintain a strong connection between the skin and its owner. Checking for a pulse/respiration to verify the connection is as simple as touching it for such signs.
- Selkies that go extended periods without being near a nexus may be at risk of becoming frail or vulnerable to serious illnesses. This might explain why selkie women abducted by their human husbands had a strong urge to return to the sea.

- In the early days, roanes were largely nomadic. This tradition remains prevalent, even in 2025, but this usually applies to about 50% of the entire selkie population. The selkies’ predecessors originated in northern Europe, around Norway and Finland, and eventually spread out from there. Today, their race resides along the coastal areas of Europe, North America and Antarctica.
- Traditional selkie clothing is usually made from fish leather and tanned much the same way the Native Americans would tan deerskin. It may be decorated with shells, beads, seaglass, or even seabird feathers.
- From a tradition starting in the Neolithic era, selkies had to be given names by others, sometimes based on the circumstances of their lives. They felt this way there was no “true name”, and thought they were safer. Though, in modern times, selkies have let this tradition fall by the wayside somewhat to name their children themselves.
- The arcane arts are heavily stressed and those gifted with heightened via sensitivity are urged to study magic, as its woven into the very fabric of their society. Selkie healers are well-known for their knowledge of medicinal uses of seaweed, coastal plants, and herbs. Illusionists are able to place strong veils on settlements for protective purposes. Whatever the arcane school, the selkies have usually found a practical use for it in their society. Selkie runes are the most common way of inscribing an incantation onto an object.
- Selkie government is not tightly structured; it mostly centers on the clan unit. Those of reasoning age can contribute on matters that affect them. Everyone pitches in, if at all possible. However, in dire situations, someone may be elected and given the title of “Great Selkie” to represent the entire species or make important decisions.
- Their religion has a shamanistic bent. A respect for nature, its cycles and the related sprits (dryads, naiads, Thrones, etc.) is heavily stressed, but any supreme being is considered impersonal. Yet, that same supreme being is considered as the same source as via.
- With their second form being relatively defenseless, they have developed a strong penchant for tribal scrimshaw/obsidian blades.
- It is not unusual for selkies to have tattoos, albeit ones suited for their chosen profession.
- With their vagabond origins, selkies developed into a people that are frugal and don’t let anything go to waste, if they can help it. Many are beachcombers/salvagers.
- Older selkie settlements are usually found in cliffside caves or grottoes, such as on the Orkney Islands or Ireland. In the past, Atlantic rest points for traveling selkies were set up and are maintained even today, usually under an invisibility spell.
- To keep genetic variation growing strong, selkies will allow family members from another clan to join their clan.
- The language has no known lingual cousin, more than likely due to it being fairly old. A conversation between two selkies will be comprised of harsh, guttural sounds, croons, or fluid vowels. (Will eventually be a more detailed language guide).
- Interactions between selkies and other races can vary. Humans, even though distantly related, are generally considered to be treated with caution until they have proved themselves to be trustworthy. Finfolk, while not mortal enemies, can be difficult to get along with, as they have shared some of the same territory. Irish merrows are usually treated with cordiality, as they’re not as aggressive as the Finfolk. Void Weavers are reluctantly spoken of, and when they are, they’re the subject of much hatred. “Squids”, as they are common called, are perceived as real-life boogiemen for selkie children. Antarctic clans are especially reclusive, even to other roanes. They will allow them to enter their territory, given that they don’t try to disturb their way of life.
- With isolated groups of selkies, all law-related issues are typically handled by the clan. If a selkie is considered enough of a threat, their pelt might be permanently taken away or destroyed as a last resort. However, this is not very common, and their pelt will only be taken from their possession for a relatively short time.
- Sexual identity/orientation/ relationships are open. Youngsters are encouraged to explore if they wish. There are monogamous couples to polyamorous types, with everything in between.
- As a result, children are welcomed, and it is not out of the ordinary for a family to have more than one.
- In Hope, selkies and a smattering of merfolk set up a small settlement on Lake Island during the city’s early days, commonly known as Mertown. Unofficially, this is considered a political neutral zone for selkies, Finfolk, merrows and the like to live and do business in.
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