To Nereus

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To Nereus

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Consider me morbidly curious, but how did your son's conception differ from that of a traditional Void Weaver couple's offspring? There's obviously a significant difference between a female selkie's reproductive organs and a Void Weaver's egg sacs...
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As Nereus

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"The details are lost in the crevices of the Darkhallow, but legend has it that the Others spent some time dithering, after acquiring us - or robbing us, some would say - from Creation. They'd supposedly elevated us to Their magnificence, but asked us to live in squalor. So many of our numbers died that it quickly became obvious that we would never rise as adequate servants of Their whims if we didn't find a way to improve on our native weaknesses.

Somewhere early in the infancy of my species as we know them, Void Weavers were born with implements They fashioned after observing the evolution of Man. All Weavers have egg sacs, this much is true - but we also have testicles. Two means of fertilization, each accomplishing the same goal. One is what fate granted us when via altered the development of early cephalopods; the other is what Amaxi and her Brothers bestowed upon us, so that we might foster stronger children with the inclusion of foreign genetic code in our bloodlines.

The first - well, night - I consummated my union with Meris; I did exactly as you would expect from a human."
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