Diablo III and Blizzard: Holy shit!

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Diablo III and Blizzard: Holy shit!

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So I figured I'd fire up my ol' Diablo III and see what the heck is going on with the much-ballyhooed Loot 2.0 patch.

Yay, no more auction houses! Yay, no more paying for decent gear! Yay, item farming is back and is actually less painful than in Diablo II!

Except I can't play. I can't play because I made a derp a few years back. I stopped playing, literally stopped giving a damn about my Level 50-something Monk, and let the game stagnate there. A few weeks pass, in June of a few years ago, and I uninstall my Battle.net Mobile Authenticator from my iPod touch because, heck - I ain't playin' this cow clicker no more. Or at least, I'm taking an extended vacation from said cow clicker.

So now I wanna see what the game looks like, now that Jay Wilson's MMO stink has been washed clean out of my favorite hack-and-slash franchise. I log in like an idiot, re-download the Mobile Authenticator thingy on my iPhone, plug in the numbers it feeds me and - derp. It hits me.

This isn't the same auth install. This doesn't have the same serial number. I can't log into my account with this version of the auth app. I lost the original version of that app, having deleted it from my iPod in a fit of gross carelessness. D'oh!

Okay, so - Password Retrieval Time! Whee! Again, fill in the blanks, plug in your email, fill in a little form to explain why you want your Auth removed from your account (in my case, because I want to link another one, derp) - and then something else hits me.

They want ID. Honest-to-God Real World ID! I gave it to them, sure, and Quebec's only name-supporting card that comes complete with a mugshot and a date of birth is the medical insurance one, so I whip up a JPEG of that, crop it so there's no White Expanse of Useless Scanner Space, and send it.

"Thank you!" Blizzard says, "We'll send you an email regarding the procedure you have to follow."

So now I'm stuck waiting. I'm not mad, so much as I'm surprised to see Blizz has upped its security game to that extent. Although, I really should've seen it coming, what with the fairly willing and tolerated shitstorm they're about to unleash on themselves with a de-regulated items market for D3. For all they know, I really could be some hack account thief from some gold-farming corner of the world who's spotted Serguei the Probably Narcoleptic Level Fiftysomething Monk who's been hovering about New Tristram in Inferno difficulty for the better part of two years.

There's that - and I kinda want to give Hearthstone a spin. I like Magic: The Gathering, the system feels fairly Magiccky, the reviews I've read explain it's not pay-to-win and that Arena matches aren't a requisite - so yeah. I'd be down for a few dismal attempts at proving my worth as a cardsharp.
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