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To Nereus

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:14 am
by IamLEAM1983
Following the OceanGate debacle, I got to thinking about how Dalarath trains submariners to either pull slave ships down into the depths without killing their cargo - or on how to decompress cavern natives at a slow enough rate to avoid losing Loyalists by the handful. What's your opinon of surface-world diving efforts?

As Nereus

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 1:33 am
by IamLEAM1983
"Considering how most of what you do involves a defacto slavish adherence to Physics, taking a sub partway down into our own main trench is a formidable feat all on its own. I was obviously saddened by Rush's brazen disregard for common safety and regulatory measures, but it also wasn't new to me. He hadn't been approached by any Loyalists, but spending enough time with madmen sort of lets you recognize hubris at first sight - and the Loyalists aren't anything if they're not hubristic.

I've heard some practitioners or more theoretical mages ask why the Thrones don't intervene more actively in disasters. My understanding is that Matriel, Abdiel, Cuthbert and Ariel all care deeply, but their charge comes with hard limitations. In simpler terms, Fire isn't really Fire if it breaks its own rules, turns selective and, say, makes someone perish in a conflagration while others who were right next to them come out of it with singed eyebrows. Similarly, Matriel can't really help that Water has mass, that mass of any sort applies pressure on displacing bodies and that carbon fiber has tremendous tensile strength while being weak against uniform compressive forces. If you're not a Void Weaver, you can't let yourself think about using expired carbon for a submarine's hull. You'd use it for gas or oxygen tanks or anything pushing from the inside out - not from the outside in.

As for our own practices, you have to remember that us Squids primarily emerge from the depths. That forces us to deal with tremendous pressure at the onset, but also to learn how to adjust our Speech-based opposing force so that our subterranean lungs don't simply become saturated with the surface world's lowered pressure and easier access to oxygen. Overexposure to oxygen is as troublesome as narcosis, and the Black Library has reams and reams of Chemistry texts that might be a bit unfun, compared to the Black Books and the fundaments of our Arts - but that are nevertheless essential for those divers we train. Every Prelate, from the smallest Choir member to the Augur, knows how to administer desaturation rituals or how to adjust a room's barometric pressure to serve as an ad hoc hatch. These things are a crucial component to First Aid in Dalarath.

You're probably scoffing - Loyalists acting as healers, right? - but a cult like the Others' couldn't survive if Loyalist covert operations killed more people than they brought in."