To Archie

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To Archie

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

How's life extension tech going, with magic and cybernetics? How come we haven't started seeing youthful ninetysomething non-supernaturals, outside of one or two hardy phenotypes with roots in the last Ice Age?
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As Archie

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"As you've said yourself, very few mortals are blessed with the hardy countenance of the immensely thin Anglo-German Smith bloodline, and technologies such as the Automaton I was or the android I am now have rendered more, erm, holistic approaches to life extension somewhat moot. There are attempts, of course, a plethora of crank homeopathic cure-alls or blatant misuses of arcane energies, efforts taking root in genetics or nanotechnology - oh, and the Void Weavers' ability to more or less rewind a friend or ally's telomeres at great expense can also be taken into account. Even then, outside of lichdom, vampirism, some strains of lycanthropy or Changeling bloodlines, nothing concrete exists that enables the merely mortal and wealthy to cheat their way to immortality.

Those of us in the know do understand that Squids may safeguard their loved ones in the Darkhallow, just as I did with my father's recovered shade, but this doesn't so much nullify death as it substantiates someone else's memories of a given person, from what I've understood. The Hiram Holden that sent me off to Eton has well and truly shuffled his mortal coil and has failed to show any signs of interest in those of us living corporeally, and the, well, version of him that our excursions allowed me to access represents private hopes I've always held. Increased closeness, for one, and something of a more empathetic temper; something of a window into what it is he denied himself and what I almost buried away, if not for Crystal's intervention.

Those of us with long lifespans tend to reach a more malleable view of life, after some time, seeing it perhaps as a collection of cycles. Crystal might think this uncharitable or even foolish, but I tend to think my physical envelope matters less than my mind, my passions and what I bring to those I touch. I see myself as someone who is whatever it is that drives him, and there is more to me than morning coats, cravats and stovepipes - or even my antiquated manners.

These things can decay and rot away, my immanence is found elsewhere."
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