To Three and Jenkins

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To Three and Jenkins

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So, um, Afghanistan. Stuff's happened. What's your take?
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As Three

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Jesus Christ - I just hope Biden doesn't kick things into high gear again. Managing Afghanistan and Iraq's been a shitshow for two of your administrations - and in my world, it's only thanks to the incursions that the Taliban didn't get a foothold on Kabul. In mine and Jenkins' 2026, getting up-close and personal with the supernatural tempered a lot of former zealots and brought a lot of soldiers to their senses. Tensions are still running, but at least now there's flesh-and-blood Pandemonium natives speaking Farsi to remind hesitant imams that zealotry says more about what you hate than how much about what you love.

The same goes with your version of Iran. The crackdowns on the Web are troubling. Here in the Hopeverse, Iran's trying to put a foot in the Tech sector and sustainable development, which helped share generous academic grants."
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