To Gubbin

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To Gubbin

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

While I understand Malks have a fairly equal genetic distribution between Mab and Oberon's respective courts, how do Malks with closer ties to Oberon differ from their Darkest Winter counterparts?
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As Gubbin

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"While none amongst my kind have been known to be particularly exuberant or jolly by nature, the Hearth reinforces our ability to form packs, or clans. Our social life willing, these informal units grow to include other Fae, as well as those denizens of the mortal plane to which we are closest. This has led to the erroneous perception that we are feline to the point of only adhering to the letter of our positions as allies or servants, and secretly think ourselves above those to whom we may be sworn or those we have chosen to assist. While it is only realistic to observe that I possess superior stamina and ability in combat compared to the likes of, say, Master Ciaran, it would be unbecoming of me to allow arrogance to occlude this fact's existence as a mere data point. It isn't to be considered as something that affects the ways in which I may choose to interact with him.

Should you be asking this in regards to Madam Hanako, my lack of proximity to my Japanese cousins prevents me from providing exact information. As much as I am able to ascertain, the Hearth is less Celtic or Norse than initial observances would suggest, and more of a protean concept. In those provinces which are difficult to reach timely, Oberon and Titania have respectively implanted Hearth-houses and Shaded gardens, which are free to be built and managed according to the local customs. There, fires born from the Hearth's embers burn, and elder trees spawned from Yggdrasil provide a literal and spiritual canopy. While differing from dryad trees, these are charged with Titania's will and with the obligations of hosting and protection which undermine most of the Summer Fae's culture. I suspect Madam Hanako has grown familiar with countryside onsen offering arcane respite to mind and body alike, or with private gardens in which it may seem as though the modern world's chaos melts away.

In any case, England in no way marks the epicentre for Winter's more agreeable auspices, just as Ireland is not the apex of Titania's reign. They are but sociopolitical centers, and their respective apogees and nadirs can be felt all throughout the world."
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