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Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I figure the Vienna Council would want an inside man in the semi-permeable circle of criminal supernaturals, so what if they created their own ersatz Eldritch Bond Villain?

What I've got in mind is a halfway-sane Jabberwocky with a flair for the dramatic and the macabre, who probably began as a fake ghost spooking tourists away in some desolate corner of Europe, pretty much Phantom of the Opera style. Fast-forward a century or so and Vienna's got themselves an asset that walks the Self-Serving Immortal walk and talks it pretty well, but with no real outlet for its picture-perfect maniacal laughs and grandiose speech deliveries. They would've whipped up a string of false suspicions and accusations, plopped the guy in some corner of the world with a lot of cash and armed goons, and a list of pre-approved Fake Evil Plans designed from the ground up to eventually fail.

He keeps the act going and gains sympathy with Vlastos, Sharpe, a few high-profile Mab and Morgana backers and a few other sorts - maybe Rendell as well - and reports back to Vienna using coded dispatches. I figure Shield could eventually go against him, reach a point where abject failure is the only possible outcome...

And out of some nearby door comes Forsythe. Dragon Bad Guy goes from menacing to amused, and he thanks Shield for saving his cover.

As to where this comes from, blame my remembering the final climax of The Muppets Movie and Uncle Deadly's lesson in maniacal laughter, post-villain defeat.
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Re: Idea?

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

:) Sounds good. Go for it!
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