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To Vernon

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:14 pm
by IamLEAM1983
I've been listening to Midnight Syndicate's Christmas album, and I remembered that there's a line in It's the Most Wonderful Time that eludes to ghost stories being swapped around on Yuletide. Does Christmas have a darker side than even the pagan roots and Christian additions haven't really accounted for?

As Vernon

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:30 pm
by IamLEAM1983
"Solstice falls on the darkest night of the year, and is a time that all spirits are able to sense and exploit. The pervading good cheer usually manages to dampen the appearance of thoroughly ghastly sorts - but not always. For some, Christmas remains a time of bitter loneliness or personal tragedy, and no amount of caroling will ever lift their hearts. As a member of House Christmas, I may draw on the cheer of my subjects, yes, but I am also particularly sensitive to their plights, whether they be alive or dead.

There are places in this world where Yule is celebrated at a slant, with thick shadows and dagger-sharp teeth pulled across leering smiles. Mab exemplifies this best - but all Winter Fae sense this in equal measure. When the Wild Hunt is called and I lead its charge, I do not do so with Christmas' cheer and compassion in my heart, but with Yule's sacrificial blood on my lips, across centuries of tradition.

Considering, I tend to consider the Dickensian alliance of Gothic horror and seasonal morality plays to be rather fitting - and any endeavour which recognizes the shadows at the edges of the proverbial fireplace is worth considering.

Stay warm, this Christmas, dear boy, and keep the shadows at bay. Dance and be merry, all, for the mortal defiance of Death itself is all that sustains Life!

From the shadows, a myriad hungry eyes will be watching in envy."