An idea for Lucian...

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An idea for Lucian...

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

I figure somewhere down the line, someone could manage to confine Francis to a wheelchair. Maybe Rendell gets loose or a burlier demon gets involved or something else - but Amazo gets the Bane treatment. He's still a mage, of course, but a less-effective one now that he's not as good at getting around on his own.

Considering, I figure he might find a ritual to sort of pass the Eye and Rod of Solomon to someone else, with the Elder Stateman's spiritual blessing. Lucian could effectively become the team's mainline arcane bruiser, with Francis staying on as an off-site researcher. Naturally, that would drastically increase his via attunement and more or less de-age him to his last few years spent in Dalarath.
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Re: An idea for Lucian...

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Awesome idea. :)
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