To Horatio Grimley

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To Horatio Grimley

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So, you're an atypical vampire. You've got tons of tiny barbs instead of the classic pair of fangs.

With that in mind, what's your preferred bite site?
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As Horatio Grimley

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

He chuckles, wringing his hands.

"I'm like most other modern bloodsuckers, dear friend, in that I like having a few willing donors around. Eating's a social thing for most mortals, why couldn't it be the same for me, hm? I like to chat it up with a nice lady or two - the more supple the arms, the better - and to nibble on them over the course of the evening. A few deep puncture holes near the armpit usually does the trick, with a little spit-shine banishing any potentially nasty infections I might've left behind... The crook of the elbow works for more friendly or professional nips.

The best, though - the very best - is the femoral artery. I'm dexterous enough to cadge a snack there without endangering my donors; with maybe a few tentacles left aside for more, ahem, particular demonstrations of agility... Yessir, there's always something to a good pair of legs that makes my mouth water. They might've left me cracked like a walnut and uglier than sin, but I've learned to show some of our mortal guests to particularly memorable good times..."

He then shrugs.

"Of course, a vampire is as a vampire does - and I've needed to kill a few Negative Nancies in the past. No matter if you're a Weaver, a mortal, another vampire or a Fae, you've got a carotid artery... The jugular veins are another good spot for controlled, erm, socialization - but killing someone is never as simple as latching onto the front of their throat and giving the whole thing a nice, big tug...

Apart from the Diners, there's not a lot of vamps that can fit someone's front-facing throat in their gullet, so that's one advantage I've got. Either Vlastos opens the carotid with his bare hands and digs in afterwards, for instance, or he sticks to the slightly boring route of pulling on someone's jugular until he's basically holding a drained Capri Sun bag..."
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