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More brain farts!

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

The Black Goat only really knows how to foster obedience through either fear or by enabling lesser demons. He probably supplies the other Vices with smarter demons than what they, themselves, tend to produce, so things at least keep running smoothly. Things wouldn't be suitably Hellish if he didn't have a second fiddle that was waiting for a chance to backstab him - essentially a reverse Chamberlain whose being enabled would actually be beneficial for Heaven as well as Hell's organized resistance.

This other guy, essentially Leonard's answer to Naberius, considers eternal torment to be an industry in need of proper management. He believes that the duality between Heaven and the Pit suffices in and of itself, and that the Pit's punishments naturally shore up Heaven's rewards. In other words, the Goat's planned insurrection is wasteful and counter-productive according to him. He doesn't concur with Melmoth, however, and fails to see how reducing souls to a market value would do any good. Just as any decent angel needs empathy, a good torturer needs something close to it in order to choose the proper ways in which to make every soul's stay in the Pit as excruciating as possible.

Said other guy, whom I'll call Jasper until I think of something better, wouldn't be too keen on replacing the Goat. Pride and Vanity are heavy burdens to carry, and his own self-righteousness in the face of the Goat's ambitions is plenty enough for him. He'd propose that a trap is set for the Goat to fall into at a later date, which would involve his brains being scrambled out by one or more complicit Void Weavers.

Reducing the Goat to a complacent halfwit would allow Jasper to effectively pull the Pit's strings while being away from the limelight.

Being more the managerial type, I figure he's kept tabs with like-minded people in Heaven, much to his chagrin. Jasper is slick, self-absorbed and self-aware enough to spare an ear to colleagues and allies, and tends to be the kind of insufferable ass who nonetheless manages to remain a friend. His Laurel-and-Hardy-esque companion while on the mortal plane during visits is a cherub named Allegra, who manifests as the Perkiest Woman Alive.

He contemptuously refers to her by her affected last name, and she uses affectionate nicknames like "Grumplepuss" or "Sillybones". Under her bliss-ninny-esque exterior, she's actually one of Heaven's best managers and headhunters.

Following Tom's efforts, this odd couple might start an employment agency in Hope. Jasper would find plenty of worker material for some of the more exotic punishments in the Pit, while Allegra would be the type to find mortal opportunities for curious angels.

He acts like he'd like to casually murder her, but the truth is he's grown fond of her over the centuries. She, on the other hand, can barely restrain her need to befriend practically anyone she meets - including the Goat's former yes-man...
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