To Tom

Grab yourself a seat, start a fire and poke one of our resident vigilantes, average Joes or supervillains as much as you'd like.

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To Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines.

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As Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"There's nothing to discuss. My being an incubus and a warlock doesn't give me the right to hex a mortal for the simple crime of being irredeemably repulsive.

You're given all of the mortal experience to empathize, bond and ultimately seduce someone of particular significance - to experience that specific kind of happiness and peace of mind I've been chasing for over a thousand years, and the twenty-first century then exposes me to glorified cavemen who believe sex organs, money and pheromones are all that you need.

I'm a demon, and I'll never shy away from the fact that my attraction towards Humanity isn't entirely all-inclusive. I'll always gladly lord it over those who believe romantic interest and love are inherent givens available to those with the right set of genes."

He smiles.

"If there's one thing my fellow refugees from the Pit are eager to prove, it's that you can make any body and physical condition work. A little pampering, a dash of cologne, perfume and makeup for the ladies - and a lot of self-confidence and empathy - and an ugly mug like me can make a lot of friends."
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