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To Charles

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:23 pm
by Karl the Mad
Has it occurred to you, yet, that being pegged as the descendant of a man dead for over a millennia might not be the best thing ever? I mean, doesn't genetic stagnation mean much to your family?

As Charles

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:31 pm
by Karl the Mad
"Wot? Callin' me an 'illbilly, bro? Callin' me inbred 'n shit?"

has a good laugh

"Well first off, fuck you, we ain't inbred hicks. Second off, it... don't work 'at way. Sure there's a fam'ly resemblance, but it don't jus' 'ang about. Comes 'n goes, yeah? B'lieve it or not, wot y'all think of as th' 'Jenkins' look is act'ally recessive! Only shows up ev'ry two-t'ree generations, if not longer! Me da' were a feckin' ginger, 'e was! Mum 'ad th' Aryan looks goin', but she weren't no Jenkins."

a short sigh "Bless 'er 'eart, she sure did fit in right nice, though. Or so I bin told. I mean, I gots a great-nephew 'r whatev', name a' Alrick Florian, yeah? He's got th' face, sorta, but 'e's nigh seven foot tall 'n almos' six hunnerd pounds on account a' bein' some kinda Superman 'r some shit. Brown hair 'n sorta faded eyes, too, takes after 'is ol' mum. Who'd be, uh... I'm guessin' some sorta niece?

"Now I don' much go 'ome anymores on account a' bein' me own made man 'n all, but I still hear from 'em. Guess I'm a bit of a fam'ly legend 'r some shit. Meh. I gots enough of a rep aroun' Hope."