To Tom

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To Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

So I've reinstalled and played through Doom's first act over the last week. Those nineties feels, man.

How does id Software's version of Hell compare to yours?
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As Tom

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Oh, you mean Satanic Cyberpunk by way of H.R. Giger with a healthy dose of Thrash Metal?

It, um - I'd honestly call it quaint. In a juvenile, heartily adolescent sort of way. While Aislinn's seen one of Hell's few ordered spaces for herself, the Pit isn't too fond of presenting a thematically consistent front. Distances and physical limits not meaning much outside of the mortal plane, you can see everything you could imagine if you just pick a heading and stick to it. I've seen everything from absurdist recreations of Eisenhower-era American optimism to your usual evil canivals, Hogan's Alley-type shooting galleries where lost souls are targets or thrall-infested hospitals and sanitariums - but never Martian bases, to be honest.

Even then - consider the game's plot. Foolhardy scientists poke a hole through planar barriers and let Hell loose on Mars. Naturally, Doomguy rises to the occasion, emerges as Phobos' sole surviving Space Marine, and has to find a way to stem the tide of demonic incursions. Failing that, he has to warn Earth. Looking at this from the point of view of logistics, it's a terrible idea. Mars is a dead world, for one, with nothing for the Goat's forces to conquer or beat their chests over. Secondly, it's light-minutes away from Earth, which translates to years away in terms of vanilla space travel! Demons don't necessarily know how to fold space and don't necessarily manifest with ion engines shoved down their asses, so you can imagine the time it would take for even one measly grunt to reach Earth's gravity well. That's long before we consider how demons bereft of mortal technology are expected to gather enough escape velocity to leave Mars behind. Just as the Thrones don't mother dead hunks of rock or gas giants, the Princes don't bother with dust balls largely inhabited by fossilized micro-organisms.

Not that I mind, though - it isn't as though the Pit is making efforts to warrant historical revisions. Most of my brethren and neighbors are monsters of the worst order, so I'll always welcome the sight of a Cacodemon taking a double-barreled shotgun to the face.

As yes, I did play a bit of it back in the day. Doom II was more my speed, however. Still - E1M1 is right up there with Super Mario Bros' opening musical ditty for the title of Most Recognizable Music Track Ever."

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