A Demon's Honor

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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"I'm shocked," replied the warthog. "Whatever gave you that impressio-!"

He didn't finish, Aislinn's pull leaving him with only a vague pulling sensation in his solidly-rooted tusk. Still, it was something he chose to emphasize with exxagerated noises, as if pulling on his shafts of bone momentarily clogged his nose. "Hngghnrk," was his second attempted response.

Chuckling under his breath, he couldn't help himself but to partly open his mouth to gently suck on her lips. "I like to keep my energy for things that matter," he opposed. "Like finding new ways to fall for you despite the fact that you've so cruelly mocked my appearance," he joked. "Pulling on a warthog's tusks is in no way a socially acceptable thing to do!"

Of course, he really didn't mind at all and could never manage to really feign outrage. He couldn't stop smirking under his breath, either.
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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Aislinn scoffed and dipped her apologetically. "I am so sorry, my dear sir. If it will compensate, you are free to say something about my appearance," she joked.
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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by Karl the Mad »

"Get a room, y'all," Charles interjected, trying not to roll his eyes. "Yer makin' us singletons 'orny."
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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Glancing at Charles, Aislinn scoffed and sent a small wave of water at Tom with her hand. "Suppose he's right on chilling out on the romance."
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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

"Killjoy," said Tom to Charles, trying for his best imitation of snobbish contempt. Still, it was obvious he didn't mind all that much; he'd have other opportunities to swap amorous vibes with the roane. He didn't move much, however, still being quite content with drifting around the pool.

"Can I remark on how I appreciate the surreal aspect of the last few months?" he rhetorically asked. "The ruler of the Pit is in jail here on the mortal plane, his toady seems to be due for a quick dissolution in the courtroom followed by what I'm sure out friend the goodly Knight will ensure is an expeditious exorcism, and the judge presiding the case used to be stuck underneath the goat's proverbial foot. Gabriel seems to be in talks to sign the Vienna Accords, and the world's religious bodies are locked in a tizzy because the now mostly disclosed angels have admitted to shepherding a few extra billion worlds and civilizations..."

He chuckled. "Remember when the Westboro idiots fell back on calling Drifters demons, after Gabriel shot down their ridiculous assertions that gays would be headed for the Pit? The poor fools are about to lose more ground, and Earth-centric religious movements are taking hits left and right."

A somewhat contemptuous laugh escaped him. "Earth isn't the center of the universe. What a shock! Here I was thinking Karthians came from a backwoods corner of the Milky Way!" he sarcastically commented.

He then pointed a finger at Jenkins from the pool. "Mark my words, Charles - one day, people will wonder why we even fought our battles locally. We won't send soldiers to get shell-shocked on another continent, my friend. Try another galaxy!"

In the meantime, one of the local air taxis could be heard completing a few deceleration circles atop the Hall, having probably been sent from Wyvern's penthouse helipad-slash-Black dragon roosting perch. It landed out of sight, back in front of the manor - after which a few minutes passed. Soon enough, Bagley entered the back yard with an old bag Katherine might recognize from an earlier shopping trip.

"Mister Kuhn sends his regards, as always," noted the large Clank, as he handed the bag to her. Inside, Starr would find one of her swimsuits along with a bottle of sunscreen Aldergard had probably swiped from their medicine cabinet. One of her favorite pairs of sandals was included as well, along with one of their slate-grey bathroom towels.
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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by Karl the Mad »

"I'd love t' go on another sight-seein' tour if we're 'eadin' out there," Charles replied with a grin to Tom. By 'sight-seeing tour' he no doubt meant 'yet another tour of duty', although he probably wouldn't be pressed back in.

At the arrival of her suit, Katherine gave a grin of her own and disappeared to change into it. Even if the water was inhospitable, she could always lean back and take in the sun.
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Re: A Demon's Honor

Post by TennyoCeres84 »

Ciaran scoffed. "Thankfully we don't have to put up with that crap as much anymore unless it's from usual fanatics," he agreed, eyeing his twin and her lover. "So your son should be here anytime now, I think. How is parenthood, by the way?" he asked, obviously joking.

"You shush, Ciar," Aislinn responded with a chuckle, whapping him lightly on the shoulder.