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Random IM-formatted thoughts about Caliban and Rendell

Posted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:28 am
by IamLEAM1983
I figure with the eighties and the Cold War climate that it was soaked in, Caliban must have spent a lot of time waving his arms and metaphorically jumping up and down during Senate hearings, trying to get the idiots in charge to understand that there were deeper and more dangerous things looming around the corner than Gorbatchev and his posse of ex-KGB types...

Government, circa 1980: "We're not sure what the Russians are up to, but we can't attack them just yet. Let's just sneer in their general direction, see if that helps..."

Caliban: "You mind sneering at my twin's blatantly operational Russian terrorist network? The rest of the country is too busy pulling itself out of Communism to be a threat; just keep some guys on my brother, alright?"

Government, circa 1980: "Nah, Gorbatchev seems like the bigger target, here. We don't trust him. Hey, you think ricin would work?"

Caliban: "Sure, but, really - my twin should really concern you. He's imprisoned, yes, but his people are snooping around Siberia looking for remains of the old goblin pylons, and-"

Government, circa 1980: "Pylons? What pylons? I thought you said nukes! Where's my Emergency Nuke Button? We gotta blast the commies!"

Caliban: *sighs* "No - pylons. Big, bad warlock-enabling spires of carved rock that contain more magical potential than two Centennial Trees. There's twelve of them. They all went boom together. Ask any goblin for a Lore 101..."

Government, circa 1980: "Nah, we'd rather watch Red Dawn."

Caliban: *eventually stops by Aspasia's to down a few beers and vent*