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Night Vale Community Radio

Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:22 am
by IamLEAM1983
Take H.P. Lovecraft, absurd humor, AM Community radio, a touch of X-Files-esque conspiracies and a cheerful disdain for any kind of logic, and you get Night Vale; a small desert town that seems to exist, well, somewhere in the US where there's a lot of mesas and rocks to look at, and where black helicopters and mysterious hooded figures are commonplace.

They've recently opened a dog park. That's nice, right?

Dogs are not allowed in the dog park. People are not allowed in the dog park. The dog park has an electrified fence, and any hooded figures that could be encountered while in the dog park are not to be addressed or looked at for any length of time.

Oh, and the radio station's management seems to be a relative of Azathoth, with its office being of decidedly Non-Euclidian make. Management doesn't like it when the emcee gets snippy...

It's creepy, it's funny, it's clever, it has me lie awake at night and it also has me sniggering because of how hilarious it can be.

It's literally the best podcast I've ever listened to. :)