Quickie: Saints Row The Third

Because your admin happens to be a gamer and he likes to jabber on about games he's played.

Feel free to post your own gaming chronicles here, or any gaming-related discussions that don't pertain to message board-based role-playing. This will allow us to keep things a little cleaner.
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Quickie: Saints Row The Third

Post by IamLEAM1983 »

After spending a while gaming with a Steam buddy, I pick up a gatling gun from one of the game's early main story missions. Due to a mixture of circumstance and glitches, he picks up the same item at the same exact moment. The end result is that we both owned a chaingun, but that only his own registered on his side of the connection.

So my Saints Row 3 boss apparently has the power to project Kamehamehas shaped like a hail of bullets, now. :)


That's me in the purple shirt.
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